The Pride Lands has a new Lion Guard.

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"To prove that Vitani's team is competent enough to become the Pride Lands' new Lion Guard, a competition will be held in which Kion's  guard will battle Vitani's guard. I have asked my friend Venicia and some of her leopards to participate in the event. The two guards must go through the obstacle course and rescue Kiara from a cliff where the leopards are hidden, the first to get to Kiara and bring her back to me wins," Kovu paused for a breath the continued speaking.

"You must not harm the leopards for they are doing me a favour by participating. Anyone who does hurt the leopards will be disqualified from the competition. And one more thing, Kiara must be brought back unharmed, I see one scratch on her  and the outcome won't be pretty." 

Vitani and her guard stood on the left while Kion and his guard stood on the right, both looking intently at Kovu as he explained the rules. Simba, Nala, Marisa, Diana and Burnt Eboney stood on the sidelines and to Nala's suggestion, Kovu dismissed the animals leaving only the royal family, the two guards, the leopards and the spectating lionesses.

Venicia, being the leader of her leopard leap was there as well, waiting for the signal for her leopards to start moving; Kiara was already at her place on the cliff.
"When the contenders are ready, I will give permission to go. Venicia,  your leopards are free to get in position," Kovu informed. Venicia nodded and instructed her eight leopards to leave and carry out Kovu's orders. 

The moment Kovu gave the signal, Kion took the lead with his guard followed by Vitani. Waiting until Kion and his guard were out of earshot, Vitani stopped running and turned to address her team.
"Okay ladies this is how things are gonna go. In the outlands we were trained to complete our objective working as a unit, using strategic thinking, working using our mind first then our actions and initiating our assault or generating our plan," she said.

"The same goes for here. Kiara is hidden at the cliff right? So we first have to find a way to get there in which time and energy is saved, then we eliminate the threats aka the leopards without hurting them and lastly we elude Kion and his team and bring Kiara back safe and sound." 

Agreeing with Vitani's plan 100%, the four lionesses nodded their heads letting Vitani know they supported the plan completely and they understood what was to be done.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say we are so excited to stand behind you Vitani. It will be our pleasure to work with you as the Lion Guard," Kasi said confidently earning nods of agreement from Shabaha, Tazama and Imara.

Vitani smiled and bumped shoulders with Kasi before she turned and bolted in the direction which she knew for a fact was a shortcut leading to the cliff. 
"Kion I think we took a wrong turn. This path leads to Pride Rock, not the gorge," Fuli said as she and the rest of her team ran through the savannah.

Kion skidded to a stop and turned to face Fuli. "We did what?" he asked incredulously. "How could we take a wrong turn? I know this path like the back of my paw!"

Fuli rolled her eyes and said with a scoff, "Kiara is hidden at the cliff overlooking the gorge Kion. THAT is where we're supposed to be, not at Pride Rock smarty. How bout letting me lead the way instead?" Kion growled and complied with Fuli and her sarcasm. 

"Okay now that we're here, Tazama stay here and keep a watch out for danger and also for Kion and his guard and the rest of us will look for Kiara," Vitani said when she and the others were at the cliff. "The leopards are most likely here, in discernible places so we won't find them easily so keep your eyes peeled and stay alert." 

Imara went westwards, Shabaha went eastwards, Kasi went northwards and Tazama walked around in different directions keeping an eye out while  Vitani went into small spaces and bushes where leopards were most likely to hide.

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