Down came the barrier

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"I always knew you were crazy Kovu, but I had no idea HOW crazy you were, until now that is. You're basically telling me that you plan to go in there and try to reason with Cougar and his family? Bargain, debate call it what you may," Charise said sarcastically. Kovu rolled his eyes and once agin tried to explain to Charise the significance of his plan. "Cougar would be expecting us to launch an all out attack on him and his pride, to barge in and assasinate everyone in sight. And if we did that, we would be playing right into his paws," Kovu said reasonably. 

"He's right Charise, Cougar is no fool. He anticipates the moves of his adversaries, counters it and comes up with a strategy which would not only render everyone useless, but would put them down- permanantly," Chad said gravely. "I think Kovu is right. Cougar expects us to go North, but we have to go South if we want to keep on our side the element of surprise."

The royal family, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani, Marisa, Chad, Charise and Alisa were on the platform, discussing what was to  be done, how they were going to get Kiara back and how to outsmart Cougar and his family. Kovu, Vitani, Marisa, Chad and Charise, being the only ones who knew the most about Cougar came up with  different plans of their own, while Simba, Nala, Tasha, Diana and Burnt Eboney stood behind, listening to  what was being said. 

"Apparently Zayne and his sisters have attained some sort of powers over the years, Maana was able to hold some sort of mental power over me, which caused our fight to break out," Kovu said. "I'm not too sure what power Zayne and Arsenal have, but just to be on the safe side, we should go prepared." Everyone agreed to this and they continued to discuss the plan until late when the sun was just slightly over the horizon and the sky was a mix of orange and pink. Kovu hated the idea of leaving Kiara on her own with those monsters and had great difficulty keeping his anger intact. Twice he lashed out at Vitani when she made an unecessary comment and twice a fight almost broke out between him and Simba. 

Kovu stood on the peak of Pride Rock, his teeth clenched in anger and his posture rigid and unyeilding. He was furious with the way things were turning out. Two whole days had passed  since Kiara had been missing and he was starting to get restless. The fact that his mate was away from him, stuck in an uncomfortable place, tired, hungry, alone and missing him made him want to rip out the throat of every lion and lioness who was responsible for her disappearance. To kill each and every one of them in their own unique way. He would save Cougar and his family for last, he wouldn't kill them though. No he would do more than just kill them, he would MURDER them.  

"Kovu the hunting party hunted a buffalo, are you coming down for dinner?" his mother's soft spoken voice called out to him. He turned around and saw that everyone was gone, probably in the savannah eating. He was starving, but he wasn't in the mood for food. He couldn't swallow even a bite, how could he when his love was stuck in the outlands, held captive by Cougar and his pride? How could he eat when Kiara was probably hurt, reduced to tears and miserable? How could he? 

"Sweetheart you need to eat. You barely ate anything today and you need to keep your strenght up, it's important that you eat, evevn if it's just a little," Diana coaxed her son. Kovu shook his head and directed his gaze back to the horizon where the sun had gone and the sky was now a dark purple. Night was approaching. Another lonely night without his beloved wife, curled up next to him. Loving him, reassuring him, keeping him under her wing, protecting him and preventing him from falling into the darkness he had known his whole life. Protecting him from the hurt, the anger, the guilt. But without her, everything came rushing back to him, like a raging storm that had been held at bay for days and had finally been freed of the ropes that binded it. His head ached from the rush of emotions that suddenly enveloped his brain. Hurt. Anger. Hatred. Guilt. Helplessness. It was slowly killing him. 

Then with a sudden burst of energy, Kovu's head shot up from its previous position and he turned around and ran swiftly past his mother, down the steps and into the now desolated savannah with Diana chasing after him, frantically calling him to stop. He ran past the few animals that were gathering up their young to retire for the night, past Hakuna Matata Falls and he continued to run until he reached the Northern Border where the pride had settled down to eat. Chad and his sisters were also there, digging into the meat with gusto. Vitani and Marisa caught sight of their brother running towards them and so did Nala, Simba and Burnt

They rose off the grass and ran up to meet him just as he was about to cross the border. "Excuse me, just where do you think you're going mister? The buffalo is this way in case you didn't know," Vitani said to him, failing to notice the deadly glint in her brother's eyes. He turned to face them, his emerald green eyes held fury and pure hatred. "I'm not hungry," he stated firmly. 

"If you aren't hungry, where are you going?" Vitani persisted. Kovu growled and again tried to bypass his sister, but she stepped in front of him, prohibiting him to leave, knowing  EXACTLY where he would go if she allowed him to pass. "Kovu you are NOT going to the outlands at night, that too alone. You know what viscious predators prowl the borders at night and yet stilll you want to leave? To do what? Rescue Kiara? With no backup?  Come on Kovu, you know better than that." 

"Vitani is right Kovu, we have to wait for morning, we can't go out into the outlands like this, it'll be suicide if we do," Marisa said gently as she tried to persuade her brother. "We'll wait for morning, then we'll go in when it's light out, at least we can see where we're going. Don't you agree?" Kovu sighed, anoyed with himself for not thinking before he acted. He supposed his sisters were right- to some extent; although he wouldn't admit it aloud.  

Finally Diana had caught up to them, she was panting hard as she was exhausted from her long run. She walked up to her son and looked at him, sadness reflected in her red eyes. "Kovu why did you run off like that my son? I know you're upset, but I was calling you. Why didn't you stop?" she asked wearly. Kovu looked at his mother and sighed. He nuzzled her tenderly, silently apologizing to her for the mistake he committed. 

With things sorted out, everyone went back to the buffalo and resumed eating. Although with muxh coaxing, Diana managed to get Kovu to swallow a small bite or two of the meat, although he had no intention of eating a single thing. After everyone had eaten their fill, they went back to Pride Rock to rest after their long day. Charise, Chad and Alisa, although they hadn't done anything which would deem as suspicious, they still hadn't fully earned the trust of the entire pride and was prohibited from staying in the den. Simba told them they could stay in Scar's old cave and they complied. Apparently after having eaten a good meal for the first time in a long time, Chad and Charise had warmed up to the pride landers just a little if not wholly. 

The pride went into their den and settled down in their own private corners and had fallen asleep almost instantly. Kovu however laid in the corner he would usually share with Kiara, his eyes wide open as he tossed and turned, desperately trying to get some sleep; it was useless, he couldn't keep his eyes close for not even five seconds without being haunted with visions of his love, crying, hurt, alone and in pain. At some point in time, he turned to face the wall, broken and shattered. Kovu was never one to let his emotions show, but tonight was the exception. He had been holding his demons at bay for quite some time, but enough was enough. He inhaled sharply and for the first time since his cubhood, he broke down and allowed himself to go with the flow. No blockage, no barrier and no witnesses. Just him and his tears. 

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