Accepted apologies, unwanted enemies

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It was almost sunset in the Pride Lands and Marisa was in charge of the hunt, she was scrutinizing a herd of zebra, trying to figure out how to get one without startling the rest of the herd.
"Marisa when can we eat? I'm starving," Vitani groaned.
Marisa shushed Vitani and turned back to the herd. Zebra weren't hard to catch, but they weren't easy either. It required patience and accuracy. One wrong move and they'd bolt.

"Okay everyone," Marisa said addressing the lionesses. "I propose we attack the herd from behind. They are very alert today and we don't want them to run understand?"
The lionesses nodded their heads in understanding and moved into attack formation.
Vitani led four lionesses to the left, Marisa moved four lionesses to the right and Diana moved the rest of the lionesses to the center of the herd.

Marisa crouched down to the ground and moved as cautiously and as quickly as possible. But unfortunately one of the lionesses sneezed, the herd heard sound and bolted.
"Go, Go, Go," shouted Marisa. The lionesses chased after the herd, being careful not to run into each other which would cause them to trip. The herd scattered and a few stragglers came into view. The lionesses reacted instantly.

Kovu watched the hunting party from the waterhole and smiled, they were so talented, so trained and experienced. He looked to his right and saw Nala, looking down into the savannah, loiking so sad. Kovu felt sorry for her, he walked to where she was standing and sat down carefully next to her.
"Hey want some company?" he asked softly.

Nala looked at Kovu and smiled.
"I'd like that," she said gratefully.
They sat down next to each other and watched the sun as it moves down slowly on the horizon. Kovu I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you, it wasn't right of me, to slap your past on you. I know you've had a difficult cubhood and saying such harsh things to you...just wasn't right. I'm sorry," she said sadly.

"No Nala. I'm sorry, I wasn't very respectful to you and Simba You're both older to me, I never should've said such things to you. Please forgive me," Kovu said sincerely.
"I forgive you Kovu. I hope we can look past this incident," Nala said.
"Of course we can," Kovu said smiling.

Kiara was watching the lionesses hunt and wished with all her heart she could join them. But she wasn't experienced enough and she'd only get in the way.
She heard steps behind her and turned around and saw her father walking up to her, his head was bent low.

Kiara's ears fell low. Whenever her father would look like that, she's always feel sad; this time was no exception.
"Daddy are you okay?" she asked softly.
Simba glanced up and saw Kiara standing there and smiled sadly.
"Hey honey, I was just taking a walk," he said.

"Would you care to join me?" Kiara asked.
"Oh. Well if you don't have a problem-"
"It's no problem Daddy. I could use the company," she said as she walked up to him and pulled him to her with her paw.
"I was just watching the hunting party that's all," she said as the both of them sat down on the ground and watched the lionesses.

They watched in silence for a while, not saying anything. Until Simba broke the silence.
"Kiara I wanted to apologize for the troubles I caused you and Kovu. It wasn't right of me to say such things to you both," he said.
"I forgive you Daddy. You're my father, you were simply looking out for me. Kovu loves me, and I love him. We're perfect for each other," Kiara said with a tender look in her eyes.

"Are we on good terms again?" Simba asked.
Kiara giggled and hugged her father tightly, snuggling into his fur and laughing.
"Yes Daddy, we're in good terms again. But you have to promise you'll be nicer to Kovu."
"I promise," Simba said hugging his daughter.

"I know you didn't want to say such things to your mother, she was worried for you," Nala said to Kovu as they walked through the savannah.
"I regret every minute I was so harsh with her," Kovu admitted.
"When you see her, apologize. She's a mother, she'll forgive you," Nala told him.
Kovu was just about to reply when he saw Simba and Kiara coming towards them, laughing and chattering.

"Looks like Kiara made up with Simba," Kovu observed.
"They could never stay mad at each other for long," Nala mused with a laugh.
When father and daughter approached, Kovu and Nala walked up to them. Sincere apologies were exchanged between Simba and Kovu and Nala and Kiara, hugs and promises were given.

Diana came up to them and announced dinner was ready. The pride had caught two zebras.
Kovu saw her and walked to where she was.
"Hey Mom," he said nervously. "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday. I didn't mean any if it. I was angry and o took out my anger on you. I'm sorry."

Diana narrowed her eyes and shook her head. She pushed Kovu out of her way and walked away.
"M.. Mom wait up, I said I was sorry why won't you answer me? MOM!" Kovu said in a hurt voice. "Okay Kovu I heard you honey. There's no need to shout," Diana said laughing. "I've accepted your apology. I know you weren't yourself, it's alright my son." Kovu was relieved, she walked up to his mother and hugged her.

The five lions then walked to where the lionesses had the two zebras and sat down with the rest of the pride to eat.
Before anyone could even take a bite of the kills, they were startled by a deafening roar. All heads turned to the Northern border.

"Oh great, just great. Just who I need to see before dinner," Vitani groaned in annoyance.
The ones who Vitani was referring to turned out to be no other than Frank, Nora, Charise, Chad and Alisa, along with s fee of their lionesses. They were coming from the Northern border and they didn't look like they came for good purposes.
Kovu growled and stood up with Vitani and Marisa. Whenever Frank, Nora and their children made an entrance, they'd bring trouble and nothing else.

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