United as one

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Everyone woke up the next morning, tension and apprehension evident as the realization that a possible war would be on their paws. Kovu called everyone, the royal family, Venicia and her leopards, Chad and his sisters, Kion, Rani and the Night Pride and all the pride members; which included all the lions and lionesses from Frank's old pride. They went to the base of Pride Rock and Kovu held a meeting to discuss the events to come.

"First of all I would like to thank Kion, Rani and the Night Pride for rescuing us from the outlands," Kovu began. He sent a grateful nod to Kion and Rani and they smiled in return.
"Second of all, even though some of you may already know, Cougar and his family are back."

Upon hearing this, all the former outsider  lionesses gave shouts of outrage.
They knew Cougar and his family very well and also of the audacious crimes they were capable of if given the opportunity. Some were even victims of Cougar's cruelty and vengeful ways. And this only fueled their hatred for him and his family.

"We escaped the outlands yesterday," Kovu continued.
"They were nowhere in sight so we took the liberty and got away after three days of being held captive. It's obvious Cougar will come to the Pride Lands and try to take supreme control. This cannot happen!"

"We have no active plans at the moment. But with the appropriate training, we will be ready to take them on," Vitani said. "All the outsider lionesses, you were trained in the art of war, it is no stranger to you. The pride lander lionesses have no knowledge of our fighting techniques and therefore we must guide them."

"Vitani will be in charge of training the pride lander lionesses. Charise and Chad will also assist as they too are trained in the art of war," Kovu said glancing at Chad and Charise.
"Can we trust them your majesty?" someone asked from the crowd.
"Yes they can be trusted, they have not proven otherwise since they have been living with us," Kovu replied.

"Where are Frank and Nora?" another one inquired suspiciously.
"Our parents have betrayed us and have turned to Cougar's side. They follow him now," Alisa admitted.
"Really? If Frank and Nora could betray you and  follow Cougar then how can we be sure you won't do the same with us?" the first lion asked from the crowd.

"Oh please, don't be such a hypocrite. You betrayed them, joined us and acted as though you hated them. When they came you were ecstatic on seeing them. I mean who's side are you on?!" someone else shouted.
"Liar! Weren't you the one boasting about carrying his cubs just yesterday? What's the matter, did you break up or something?" a lioness in the back said sarcastically.

This comment started a shouting match between everyone as they argued their point, defended their friends and shouted mean words to anyone who displeased them.
"You shut up! You're one to talk. You're probably the most bipolar lioness I've ever met!" a lion taunted.
"You hate everyone who opposes you so be quiet!" another one yelled.

"All you outsiders are a bunch of uncultured, uncouth little weasels!" a pride lander lioness sneered.
"And you pride landers are prissy, over-sophisticated and think you're the most important things that ever graced the African plains!" an outsider lion snickered.

PRIDE LANDERS AND OUTSIDERS THAT IS ENOUGH!"  Kiara's yell of outrage made everyone stop shouting and turn to face her.
Kiara stepped up and faced everyone, her face red and her posture rigid.

"What is going on here? Pride landers and outsiders are arguing and finding faults with the opposite side, this one yells at that one, that one screams at the other one, the other one curses the next one, I WON'T TOLERATE SUCH INCOMPETENCE AMONGST MY SUBJECTS!" 
No one spoke, everyone stood and listened to Kiara as she reprimanded them, ashamed of their behaviour.

"We have bigger and more dangerous things to be concerned about. And instead of putting our heads together and finding a solution to our problems; we fight, we argue, we blame and we hate on each other? No! I will not stand by and watch my kingdom go to waste because my lions and lionesses are too absorbed in their fighting to notice their home disintegrate and die!"

Kiara swallowed hard and sat down, her rather loud speech had left her drained and her throat dry.

Charise stepped up and placed a paw on Kiara's shoulder then turned to face their audience.
"She's right. Arguments are common amongst every pride, it's how differences are sorted out, and when it will be resolved, it's how we make peace and it's how we get closer as a pride. But arguing about past events and making an issue about it is not good, nor is it acceptable."

The pride listened to Charise and realized she was right. They had been foolish!
"We apologize for our behaviour your majesty, please forgive us," someone said from the crowd.
"I offer my most sincere apologies to anyone whom I've offended," an outsider lioness said meekly.
"I would also like to offer my most sincere apologies, I have been foolish and I hope you all will forgive me," another lioness, this one a pride lander, said.

And then instead of arguments and hateful comments, there were apologies, words of comfort and love. Kiara smiled appreciatively at Charise and the lioness smiled back.
"Thank you Charise," Kiara whispered.
"Thank you Kiara, for giving me a chance," Charise whispered back.

Kiara then surprised herself by hugging Charise, a sign that she had forgiven and forgotten. The others followed their Queen's example and hugs were exchanged between everyone, the past, the bad blood, the hate and the anger forgotten.
"Okay that was nice, everyone is back to being friends, now can we focus on the matter at hand?" Vitani asked jokingly, earning laughs from several individuals.

"Vitani's right, there will be plenty of time to reconcile and dish out hugs when Cougar and his family are put down," Kovu said. This got nods and murmurs of agreement from the pride.
"As Vitani said, training is crucial. Cougar and his pride are skilled in the art of war and they will show no mercy whatsoever. They fight to the death, there are no exceptions to anyone."

"They are lethal and since Zayne, Arsenal and Maana have acquired powers that can wipe us out without a second thought, we'll need some kind of leverage over them," Vitani said logically.
"We'll use this time to offer up suggestions, if anyone has any suggestions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to come up and voice your opinions," Simba said.
Everyone agreed and from that point, they discussed what was to be done about Cougar and his pride.

Author's note: I am so sorry to cut the chapter here, this chapter was simply to clear up any bad blood between the two prides. Anywho I hope you all enjoyed it. The next chapter will be up soon, also I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year!!!!!!
Love you all so much!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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