Cruel Vengeance

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Things were quite nice in the Pride Lands, the lionesses were basking in the sun, Nala and Simba were asleep with Diana and Burnt Ebony while Vitani and Marisa were having their daily sisterly tussle. It was something that they loved to do when they were alone, they usually did it with Kovu in the middle, but he was busy with Kiara in their PLC.

"Come on, you're so sloppy! You were much faster in the outlands when we used to do this as cubs," Vitani taunted as Marisa flew over her head and landed on her face for the fourth time since they started to plsy fight with each other. 
"Pinning you down is no easy task Vitani. It took Kovu at least a year before he could succeed in pinning you down," Marisa said annoyed.

"Okay pouty face, I'll take it easy on you," Vitani scoffed as she laid on the grass with her tail swaying side to side, a sign that she was relaxed.
Marisa sat up and eyed her suspiciously, Vitani was always so unpredictable, you never knew what was going on in that brain of hers.
Decided mg to snag her opportunity whole it was still hot, Marisa lunged at her sister, intending to pin her down.

But tripped on a root that was exposed on the ground and fell flat on her face- again. Vitani laughed and snorted, thoroughly enjoying her sister's struggles.
"Look at that, even when I'm relaxed you can't even pin me down!" she said coming up and helping Marisa to stand.
"Yeah yeah whatever," Marisa said rolling her eyes as she groomed her fur.

"That was fun, I'm a little tired I'm gonna lie down now," Vitani said yawning. She turned around and was about to walk back to Pride Rock when Marisa, apparently not willing to give up, jumped up and was about to land on Vitani's back, when the lioness ducked, allowing Marisa a head on collision with a tree.
"You suck!" Vitani taunted as Marisa sat up, rubbing her head and muttering under her breath. "Where's Kovu when I need him," she thought miserably to herself.

Meanwhile in the outlands

Frank, Nora, Chad, Charise and Alisa were furiously venting out some of their anger on a couple of termite mounds. They attacked the mounds with all their anger, sending thousands of termites flying up and swarming everywhere.
"Ugh, I'm so mad right now!" fumed Frank furiously.
"Because of  Kovu and his sisters, our perfectly fool-proof plan failed!" screamed Nora.

"That drag queen that they call Vitani, made a perfect fool out of us," groaned Alisa.
"We should have had a backup plan just in case something like this happened," snapped Chad.
"I wish we could just go back and finish what we started," said Charise flexing her claws.
As they continued to vent, they were constantly trying to figure out how to get their revenge on the pride landers.

It wasn't until sundown when Alisa called her family in enthusiasm and quickly told them how she planned to get revenge on the pride landers.
"If we can just lure Kiara, Kovu, Vitani and Marisa to the border of the Pride Lands, then we can ambush them, bring them to the outlands, torture them for a little bit and then we can make Simba, Nala, Diana and Burnt Ebony a deal. Their children for the Pride Lands," the lioness said maliciously

The others expressed interest in Alisa's plan deciding it was indeed a good one, of everyone cooperated, things would run smoothly.
"And if they refuse, then we'll kill them on the spot," suggested Chad wickedly.
"We can even tell Simba and Nala if they refuse then Chad can get Kiara pregnant. Kovu will be so angry, to think his precious mate would become pregnant with cubs that weren't his own," said Charise evilly.

"What clever children I have," cackled Nora.
"Well you were the one to teach us to use our brain and not our heart when planning and making decisions Mother, we owe it all to you," said Chad grinning.
"Yes mother, unlike the pride landers, we do t think using foolish emotions, but logic and thought," Charise chimed in.
"It runs in the family," Alisa added with a smirk.

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