New guard new members

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"So Vitani is going to lead the Lion Guard now?" Fuli asked Kion as they walked around the perimeter of Pride Rock. Kion nodded and Fuli groaned annoyed. "So we're gonna be following her from now on. A wonderful idea," she drawled sarcastically.

Kion laughed and nudged her playfully.
"We won't be the Lion Guard anymore Fuli. Kovu has decided to let Vitani lead the Lion Guard and excuse us so we could be at the Tree of Life leading the guard there instead," Kion reasoned. Fuli have a sigh of relief and Kion rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Kovu appeared with Vitani walking alongside him. Kion straightened his shoulders and both he and Fuli bowed respectfully as Kovu passed by.
"Kion we need to talk. Would you mind following me please?" Kovu asked seriously. Kion nodded and excused himself from Fuli and walked behind Kovu and Vitani up the steps.

On the platform, Kiara, Simba, Nala and Rafiki were waiting with the entire pride encircled around them.  The lionesses bowed their heads respectfully as Kovu passed by and stood alongside Kiara.  
"Now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce something that is concerned with the safety and protection of the pride," Kovu said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The pride listened attentively as their King spoke not interrupting once as Kovu continued.
"As you all know, rouges are roaming the Pride Lands' borders. They are getting braver and braver by each passing day and are secretly entering the Pride Lands under the cover of darkness, stealing our prey, marking territories and if something is not done soon, they will take over."  

"The solution I have for this rouge problem is simple," Kovu continued. "As we know, Kion is mated to Queen Rani of the Tree of Life and it would be impossible for him to leave and come to  the Pride Lands to patrol borders and protect us. Hence the reason Kiara and I have made the decision to appoint Vitani the new leader of the Lion Guard."

More murmurs followed this this time louder. 
"I am confident my sister would make an excellent Lion Guard leader. Anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to come up and offer their oppositions," Kovu said sternly. His tone stopped all conversation cold and soon the platform was so quiet one could hear a new born mouse squeak.

Kion stepped forward and looked at Kovu.
"I have a suggestion Kovu, if you are willing to listen to it," he said. Kovu straightened his shoulders and looked at Kion directly and nodded his head, granting him permission to speak.  

"To determine who will be a part of Vitani's Lion Guard, I propose we have a competition with the most experienced, most skilled, most efficient lionesses. Five in which will then compete against my Lion Guard and if they pass, they will join Vitani's guard." Kion said practically.

Kovu pondered the suggestion and turned to Kiara, Simba and Nala and sought their opinion on the matter. All three nodded vigorously, relaying the fact that they thought the idea was indeed a good one. Kion stepped back and Kovu walked up and addressed the pride once more.

"In order to determine who will be a part of the new Lion Guard, a competition will be hosted in which eight of the top skilled lionesses will compete. The four who comes out victorious will then go up against Kion's Lion Guard along with Vitani and that will determine the new members," Kovu declared.

Kiara  came and stood next to her mate and looked at the pride. "The competition would take place tomorrow at noon and the venue will be Chakoola Plains. Anyone wishing to participate must meet with Kovu, Vitani, my parents and myself after the briefing is over to discuss the rules. Remember, only eight lionesses are allowed to show for the competition so I suggest you come immediately afterwards."

Kovu then dismissed everyone and the lionesses dispersed all but eight lionesses remained; the perspective candidates no doubt. They walked up and bowed in front of the royals. Kovu stepped forward and they raised their heads to look at him.
"You all are here to apply for the competition yes?" he inquired with a smile.

Four of the lionesses were former outsiders while the other four were pride landers. Kovu recognized the former outsider lionesses as Shabaha  Kasi, Imara and Tazama, and the pride landers as Mia, Ukali, Tamma and Msaada.

"Your majesties we have come to register for the Lion Guard member position. The other lionesses have no desire for the tryouts so we have come," Tazama said politely.

Vitani smiled at this and for the first time she felt excited at the prospect of becoming the new Lion Guard leader. To work with Shabaha, Kasi, Imara and Tazama would be the best thing ever.

Growing up, the five of them had always been competing with the others for the best positions in the pride and having mini fights to prove their prowess and competence. This was the perfect opportunity to prove she had what it took to be a leader.   

She was so absorbed in her thoughts, she had completely zoned out while Kovu and Kiara were explaining the rules for the competition.
"Train if you must between now and noon tomorrow because as soon as possible we will be conducting the tournament.

Everyone will meet at Chakoola Plains and the competition will commence," Kovu said to the lionesses. They all bowed and prepared to depart when Kovu concluded the session. Vitani watched them go and smirked as she called out after them. "Remember ladies train hard, I won't tolerate any failures when I become the new Lion Guard leader,"

Kovu glared at Vitani and she smirked at him. "You just HAD to put in that unwanted piece of competitiveness didn't you?" Vitani laughed and punched him hard on his shoulder as he shook his head disgustedly. "Hey my name is Vitani, it's in my nature to be competitive."

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