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The pride landers stood up and prepared to face the intruders. When Frank's pride advanced upon the pride landers, Frank spoke first.
"Look here kids," he said. "Looks like we stumbled upon our new kingdom." 

Nora smiled. "Yes dear, it looks wonderful, Chad, Charise and Alisa will fit in quite nice,"
"I agree," said Chad nodding.
"I'm proud to say that our kingdom is a great place, what say girls?"
Alisa and Charise nodded in agreement.
"Your new kingdom," asked Kiara in disgust. "I beg your pardon, but this kingdom belongs to my parents. And when I'm married, then I will be Queen and then this kingdom will be mine, and for your information, there is no room in this kingdom for egomaniacs like yourselves."

"Thanks for proving my point princess," said Chad smirking. "I like how you think. You're so feisty and strong minded, I would love to have you at my side when I become King."
Kiara clenched her teeth. She detested it when people like Chad referred to her as princess.

Ever since she was a cub, she didn't appreciate people calling her princess. She wanted them to see her and like her for who she was, to respect her as an individual and not as their princess and future queen alone. But there was always one in every group who would have blatant disregard for her wishes. That was mainly the reason why Kiara didn't have much friends growing up.

"Which point are you referring to?" she asked smiling.
"You said that when you're married, then the Pride Lands will be yours," said Chad grinning. "So when you marry me, then I will have you as my Queen and I shall be King. Makes  sense to you princess?"

"Married to you? I wouldn't be caught dead doing something so repulsive," Kiara scoffed.
"She's so rude, why would you want her as your Queen?" Charise asked rolling her eyes.
"Even if he did, he can't. Kiara is mine and Chad, as much as he wishes for it to happen, will never have her as his mate," Kovu said as he stepped up next to Kiara and glared at the opposing lions.

"She'll marry me eventually, when she gets fed up of you that is. She'll want a life of adventure! I am more than willing to give it to her," Chad said winking at her.
Kiara felt like throwing up.
"You and Kiara, married?" asked Vitani in disbelief. "Oh, don't make me laugh Chad."
"I'm sure even if you were the last lion on this earth she wouldn't marry you. Would you Kiara?" Marisa asked grinning.

"Nope. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life," Kiara agreed.
"He's not kidding about that you know," said Alisa smiling widely.
"As a matter of fact, he's dead serious. You can try to fight it as much as you want, he wants you, he'll have you."
"He wants me he'll have me? Please. I already chose my king. The one I'll share the throne with and it's Kovu," Kiara said sweetly.

Author's note: I'm sorry for the short chapters I didn't want one chapter to clash with another since it wouldn't make much sense I had to improvise in a way. A New Life is currently under the editing process.

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