Fight fire with fire

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He hadn't slept a wink last night. He cried all night, silently of course, so no one would hear or see just how broken he was. At dawn Kovu he rose from his place on the floor and walked listlessly out of the den, with just one thing on his mind, getting his love back. Getting her back home where she belonged, safe in his embrace, being showered in his affection. Taking a deep breath, he walked down the steps and into the savannah where all the animals were still asleep, the sky was an inky purple and the air was cold, since the sun was yet to rise and the dew was still sleeping on the grass undisturbed.

I have to get her back, no matter WHAT I have to do, I WILL get her back," Kovu mumbled to himself as he walked. He was so absorbed in his sorrow, he failed to notice he was being followed, until he heard a twig snap behind him. He turned around, teeth bared, prepared to face and possibly kill whoever had followed him. What he saw shocked him. He could scarcely believe what he was seeing. Kiara was there behind him, watching him, her gorgeous amber orbs seemed to stare right into his soul. How was it possible? She escaped Cougar? How?  

Not caring how she got away, Kovu ran up to her and crushed her to him. He dipped his head into her luscious neck and inhaled deeply, relishing her scent. He then moved away and stared into her eyes,  unconditional love and tremendous relief. Then without a moment's hesitation, Kovu slammed his lips on hers and kissed her with conspicuous desperation. He kissed her hard and passionate, rubbing his tongue on hers and caressing the back of her head with his paw. Kiara moaned into the kiss and reached her paw downwards and fondled Kovu's manhood making him groan and stop the kiss. 

"Mmm baby that feels great, don't stop ohh that's it," he moaned softly. Kiara grinned deviously and rubbed him faster, making him pant and moan some more as she rubbed him in all the right places. "Mmm you like that hotstuff?" she asked wickedly. Kovu nodded and kissed her again, loving the feel of his mate's paw on his manhood. They were so absorbed in what they were doing, they didn't realize they were being watched. Until suddenly Kiara was yanked away from Kovu and thrown to the floor by rough paws. 

"You little witch, seducing my brother like this, all while he's obviously oblivious to your feminine charms, you really are your father's daughter," a female snarled disgustedly. Kovu was horrified by Vitani's toxic words, and he was even more horrified when she pushed Kiara to the cold, unforgiving ground. His Kiara. He was outraged by the audacious act."VITANI HOW DARE YOU?!" he shouted at his sister as he shoved her away from Kiara.

 Standing protectively in front of his beloved, Kovu growled at Vitani, his eyes flashing and his teeth bared, threatening her, daring her to not take another step or it would be her last. Kiara was finally back with him and there was no way he would let anyone hurt her. He would kill ANYONE who so much as dared to come close to her in a deadly or otherwise threatening manner. Be it family or foe. He wouldn't let them hurt her. But what she said next made him stop and stare in confusion. "Kovu please, you're mistaken! That is NOT Kiara. Its an illusion! You must believe me, that lioness is NOT KIARA!" 

Kiara laid on her side in the cave in the outlands, her body tied up with thick jungle vines and her movements limited. She hadn't eaten in days and she was dehydrated beyond comparision. Her throat was dry and her stomach was empty, she wished she could get something to eat, even if it was a mouse she wouldn't mind, as long as it was fresh. She was famished! Groaning from the ache in her neck and shoulders, Kiara turned to face the entrance of the cave and took a deep breath. "H..hello, anyone t..there?" She hardly recognized her voice, it sounded croaked and came out strained. She was sure no one heard her. So she tried again, this time a little louder. 

"Excuse me... can someone come in here please? I'm hungry...please...someone-help me," she said weakly before she went into a violent coughing fit. Her lungs grasped for nonexistent air and she coughed and wheezed as she tried to breathe. The air in the outlands was hot and dry, with barely any moisture and it was polluted and extremely hard to breathe in. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt an excruciating pain in her ribs. She cried out and with the last ounce of energy she had, she called out Kovu's name, but it sounded foreign to her, like it was her soul, but someone else was occupying her body. "Kovu please come for me, I..I love you so much, please come for me," she sobbed out before her eyes closed and she was engulfed in the soothing darkness. 

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