Escape from the hellhole

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"Hurry back my love, I await your safe return to me. May the Kings watch over you as you embark on your journey," Rani said to Kion as they stood on the peak of Pride Rock. The pride had already gone to the den to rest up. Kion and Rani along with Simba and Nala, Diana and Burnt Eboney stayed on the platform.

"Remember son, send Skylar to the outlands and when she's safely inside, hurry to the Mirihi Forest to get Venicia. She knows the way to the Pride Lands so once she's on her way here, hasten to the Tree of Life," Simba instructed Kion.
"Sure Dad, I'll do that. You all get some rest. Tell the pride of the plan and let them train until I come at noon with the Night Pride," Kion replied.

"Alright you should get going, be safe and good luck,"
"Thanks Dad,"
With that, Kion turned and bounded down the steps that led into the savannah. All the animals both prey and predator were asleep and the ones who weren't asleep paid no mind to the lion as he ran through the darkened  savannah. 

Several minutes later he entered the lair of the Lion Guard and stopped in front of the large, sprawling tamarind tree where Skylar the chameleon resided.
"Skylar are you here? It's me Kion, I need to speak to you," he said softly. Almost immediately a green chameleon with orange stripes emerged from the branches of the tree.

"Kion? What are you doing here?" Skylar asked as she climbed off the branch and stepped slowly on the stone several inches from Kion's face.
"Kiara was kidnapped from the Pride Lands some time ago, Kovu took a rescue team to the outlands to rescue her, but they were captured," he said.

"Her majesty has been kidnapped? Oh Kings that's just terrible. How can I help?" Skylar asked. Kion then proceeded to give her a brief description of the plan.
"I'll drop you off at the outlands on my way to the Tree of Life, you'll find them in one of the caves, and tell them we're coming to rescue them tomorrow night so be ready to leave," Kion replied.

"Very well Kion, let us go," Skylar said. Kion nodded and motioned for Skylar to get on his back. He then turned around and ran swiftly out of the cave. Once they reached the border that separated the  outlands from the Pride Lands, Skylar jumped off Kion's back and made her way into the outlands and Kion made his way to the Tree of Life.

"Ughhh if there's one thing I didn't miss about living in this place was the termites, they're everywhere!" Vitani groaned as she rubbed her back against the rough wall.
"Please, the heat is worse than the termites. What I would give for some water," Marisa complained. Kovu rolled his eyes and placed his head on Kiara's back, he was fed up of his sisters' constant complaints.

"I'm starving, I haven't eaten in two days," Alisa said as she chewed on a discarded twig in the corner.
"Oh please Alisa just suck it up for crying out loud. We used to starve while living here before, haven't you gotten used to it by now?" Charise asked irritably as she scratched behind her ears while lying on the dusty ground.

"Please excuse me, it's not like I'm pregnant or anything or eating for two, my mistake," Alisa said sarcastically.
"I'm pregnant too but I'm not saying 'I'm starving, I'm starving' every five minutes am I?" Marisa asked as she changed position for what seemed to be the twelfth time for the night.

"She's right Alisa just shut up already," Chad snapped frustratedly.
"You shut up, who was talking to you anyway," Alisa retorted.
"Great in addition to the termites, I have a headache thanks to your bickering," Vitani growled.
"Whose bickering, no sweetie, their bickering. I've nothing to do with that," Charise said with a snicker.

Kovu gritted his teeth together. It had been a night and two days since they've been captured and  everyone was snappy, irritable, hungry, tired and stressed out. Kiara lay awake on the floor, running her claws through Kovu's mane. Their tails were intertwined and their hindlegs were tangled together as they laid on the floor.

"Your majesty,"
Kiara stopped running her claws through Kovu's mane and turned around to see who had called her.
"Your majesty it's me, Skylar,"
Kiara did a double take as she looked at Skylar all dusty from running through the darkened tunnels.
"Skylar what are you doing here?" Kiara whispered, attracting Kovu's attention. He peered at the little chameleon and rose off the floor, Kiara following suit.

"Your majesties, Kion asked me to come to the outlands to deliver a message to you," Skylar said urgently. Kiara and Kovu glanced at each other and back at Skylar.
"Go ahead Skylar, relay the message," Kovu said to her.
"Kion said tomorrow night, he and Rani will attempt a rescue mission. They'll come with the Night Pride and try to get you all out-"

Skylar was interrupted by Vitani who shouted something to Alisa who shouted back. This started an argument between all of them and it made it impossible for Skylar to talk as their voices drowned her out.
Kovu's shout echoed through the cave causing everyone to shut up instantly. Kovu them turned back to Skylar and gently encouraged her to continue.

"As I was saying your majesties, Kion and Rani will attempt a rescue mission with the Night Pride, they're coming tomorrow night, be ready," Skylar finished.
"That's wonderful news Skylar, this means we can finally leave this hellhole," Kiara exclaimed joyfully. Kovu smiled and thanked Skylar. Then he called everyone over and explained the plan to them.

"So Kion and Rani are attempting a rescue mission? That's great," Vitani said grinning.  But them something occured to her and her smile vanished.
"Kion and Rani doesn't know of Zayne, Arsenal and  Maana's powers, they could be walking into a death trap."
Murmurs of agreement were heard as everyone realized just how terribly right Vitani had been.

"Don't worry Vitani, Skylar says Rani and  her ancestors know of their powers," Kovu assured her.
"Apparently Cougar and Isis had stolen from the Uchawi Oasis, a mystical oasis at the Tree of Life which grants powers to anyone who uses it. Rani knows of them so she knows exactly what she's getting herself into."
"Also Rani is a skilled warrior, Kion says  she and the Night Pride have been training since they were quite young. They know what they're doing," Kiara said.

"So way do we do now?" Alisa asked.
"We wait for tomorrow night. Once they get here, we'll have no trouble getting away," Kovu replied.
"Okay so we wait. I'm exhausted let's get some sleep," Charise said yawning. Everyone agreed to this and went to their corners to get some rest.

While Kiara was getting comfortable in her corner she stopped and held her stomach and groaned slightly, grabbing Kovu's attention.
"You okay honey?" he asked, concerned for his mate.
"I'm fine baby, just a little queasy is all," she said with a weak smile.  Kovu seemed unconvinced but decided not to press the matter.

The air in the outlands wasn't as clean and oxygenated as the air in the Pride Lands so it was common to feel queasy. He laid on his side and Kiara snuggled close to him, seeking his warmth.
"I love you Kovu," she whispered as she pressed a kiss to his lips.
"I love you too Kiara," Kovu whispered back and licked her cheeks lovingly. Sighing contentedly, Kiara closed her eyes and fell asleep, engulfed in the warmth of the love of her life.

Authors note
As promised I present to you another chapter of A New Life. Hope you enjoyed it and a million thanks for the wonderful votes. 

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