Sacrifices must be made

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Chad, Charise and Alisa stood paralyzed as they watched their parents stand next to Cougar and his family, smug grins on their faces. Alisa felt tears sting her eyes as she watched from behind her siblings. How could her parents do this to them? Cougar was their enemy and yet still they sided with him? Why?

"Why the surprise kids? Your mother and I are doing the right thing by siding with Cougar, unlike you three, going against us and siding with Kovu and the pride landers. Shameful," Frank said snickering. Chad scoffed at his father and stepped up to glare at him, not bothering to mask the disgust on his eyes.

"At least we're siding with Kovu for a good cause. Do you've any idea what will happen if Cougar gets his way? All will be lost! Cougar is a monster Dad, but it's quite unfortunate that you're too blind to see that," he said coldly.

Frank growled and prepared to hit Chad but Charise stepped in front of him, preventing her father from making a move.
"Don't. Touch. Him. He's right Dad, Cougar and his family are nothing but trouble," she said shooting a disgusted glare Cougar's way.

"Don't worry dear, when you and your siblings will find out the reasons for your parents siding with me, you'll be thanking them," Cougar said smiling wickedly.
"But enough talk. You, your siblings, Kovu and the rest those filthy pride landers have trespassed onto our borders and now you shall pay the consequences. All of you come with us and don't try to escape, all exits are blocked off and no one can hear you from here so don't bother screaming."

Realising they had no choice but to comply with their orders, Kovu ordered Vitani to stand down and they all followed Cougar down another tunnel where they came into contact with a large cave with no means of escape whatsoever. Chad and his sisters, Vitani and her lion guard, Kovu, Kiara, Marisa were made to stay in the cave but Mia, Kori, Sia, Dana and Hadiya remained outside the cave.

"Just in case anyone tries to escape here, please allow me to demonstrate what will happen if you disobey me," Cougar said in a malicious tone.
"You all know of the powers of my daughters, but have you any knowledge of my son's? No? Allow him to intrigue you with his gift." The lion added with a cruel smirk.

To their horror, Mia let out an agonized shriek and crumpled to the ground, screaming and clutching her abdomen, her face twisted in obvious pain. They looked at Zayne and realised that he was the source of Mia's torture. His eyes were glowing orange and his gaze was concentrated on Mia.

"Zayne has the power to inflict pain on a person by merely looking at them, intriguing is it not?" Cougar asked grinning like a maniac as he watched his son torment Mia with his powers.
"Leave her please! This is highly uneccessary, we understand what not to do, I beg you to leave her!" Kori cried. Ignoring the lioness's plea, Zayne continued to torture Mia until finally, her screams ceased completely and her body went limp. She was dead.

Marisa screamed and Kori and Dana started to cry hysterically upon seeing Mia's corpse. Vitani stiffened and hung her head, gritting her teeth in rage and despair. Mia had been one of Vitani's closest friends and withing minutes, Zayne had killed her without a second thought. She would not spare him.

"YOU MONSTER!" Hadiya screamed at Zayne as she lunged at him, preparing to rip his throat out for killing her sister. But before she could however, Zayne directed his penetrating gaze at Hadiya and she fell to the floor, screaming just as Mia's had seconds before she died.
"NO NOT HADIYA! STOP DON'T KILL HER!" Dana screeched in desperation. But Zayne paid no mind to her and continued make Hadiya suffer an excruciating, painfully slow death with no sympathy whatsoever.

And then, just like Mia, Hadiya went limp, her corpse lying several inches away from Zayne's feet. Sia, Dana and Kori went stiff as they watched yet another one of their sisters die right in front of their eyes. As if that wasn't enough.

"This cave is getting a little too crowded father, shall I, clean it up a little?" Zayne asked his father with a cruel smirk in his lips. Cougar nodded vigorously and before anyone could register what he meant, Sia, Dana and Kori were on the floor, contorting in horrific positions and screaming in pure agony.

Kovu's eyes widened as he registered what was happening. Killing Mia and Hadiya weren't enough. They had to kill Sia, Dana and Kori as well. And before long all three lionesses, after having experienced sheer purgatory, succumbed to their death.

Marisa screamed again and Alisa clutched her brother and hid her face in his fur, crying her eyes out. Charise stiffened and Vitani let out a choked sob and buried her face in her paws on the ground. Kovu trembled and growled lowly as he gazed upon the dead bodies of the five lionesses who had pledged their lives to him and for what? To die in the end. With a heavy heart, Kovu closed his eyes and silently prayed to the Kings, asking for peace to be granted to his five lionesses who had served him so well and had sacrificed their lives for theirs. He then glanced up at Cougar and his family, hatred burning in his emerald green eyes. He would make them pay for this crime. They would all PAY!

Author's note: at long last I give you this chapter. I do apologize for the delay, my computer was down hence the reason no updates were written. Sorry and thank you 4 your patience :)

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