Final battle; not so sure.

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"They thought they've defeated us but they've only added to our hatred," sneered an evil voice.
"I hate them so much, I'll do anything to make them suffer!" another voice hissed.
"Thankfully we have allies who are willing to help take them down," said the first voice.
"You've failed the first time, you fail this time and I'll ensure your life is made hell!" the second voice said bitterly.

"Don't blame me, you should've come up with a backup plan in case something like this happened," a harsh male snapped.
"We shouldn't even send this fool to carry out the new plan. He's worthless! Why not send me?" said another voice sarcastically.
The third individual growled.

Whoever was making these threats, they were unknown. Hidden beyond the outlands, was a cave filled with lions and lionesses.
"Mother I believe our targets are currently on a honeymoon. They are married now and it appears their parents sent them to the Isle of Upendi to relax," another voice spoke up. This one clearly was a female.

A hideous screech eroded from the mouth of the second speaker.
"Perfect! Opportunity knocking already?"
The first voice chuckled softly but venomously.
"My dear you've done a wonderful job. How are my grandcubs by the way?"

"Father your grandcubs are listening to our plan to get them a better future, so they're perfectly fine,"
The first voice laughed wickedly and probed the stomach of the one who spoke.
"Right you are my dear. By the time we're ready to take our kingdom, your beautiful cubs will be born.

"Where's my son-in-law?" asked the second voice.
"He's raiding another pride not too far from here. He says that once the alpha male is dead, he'll have no trouble convincing the rest of the pride to join us; he does have a way with words you know," said the female who was pregnant. She sounded innocent but deep down she truly was a nasty little monster.

"I hope those little spawns growing inside of you don't inherit your sickening voice," said someone from the corner of the cave.
"Don't call my angels what you are," the pregnant female snarled.
"Why not, it's the truth. You may be dad's second favourite cub but I'm mom's first!" The male snapped.

"Not anymore you are," the second voice sneered.
The male screamed in frustration and left the cave angrily.

Whoo that was short, but I needed to leave you guys with a  cliffhanger and I was feeling mysterious soooo, sorry but I just couldn't help myself.

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