Trained in the art of war

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"Okay, outsiders to the right, pride landers to the left. We'll be focusing on basic manoeuvres today. You never know where your enemies will strike you from, so it's important to be ready when they do," Vitani said seriously as she drilled the pride. Giving them instructions, leading them through obstacle courses and scrimmaging.

Kovu, Kiara, Nala, Simba, Diana and Burnt Eboney stayed on the sidelines observing with Alisa and Marisa. Since both lionesses were pregnant, Kovu told them to stay and watch rather than get in the action themselves.
Chad and Charise assisted Vitani in training the pride and even gave tips that would serve well in battle.

"Don't you think I should train with them?" Kiara asked Kovu as she looked on as Vitani, Chad and Charise instructed the pride members.
"Why would you want to do that? I'm sending you to the Tree of Life when we go to war remember?" Kovu said.
"But why? It's my kingdom too isn't it? I want to help protect it," Kiara protested.

"Baby I know you want to help. And you can, by keeping yourself safe. I'd be devastated if anything happened to you-again," Kovu said seriously.
"Kovu please, let me help," Kiara begged.

"Why not let her help Kovu? She's mature enough to follow instructions, she's smart and she's strong enough to hold her own," Charise said as she came over, hearing part of the conversation.
"She did fine when she fought the last time we were here."
"Exactly! So please let me help," Kiara said again.

"That was different. Now we're dealing with lions with dangerous abilities. You saw what Zayne did to our five lionesses didn't you? I will not let that happen to you," Kovu said firmly.
"But if I train properly, it won't  happen,"
Kovu groaned, annoyed with his wife's persistence. He looked at her face, her amber eyes glistening and hopeful.

"Fine. I'll let you stay and train with the pride," Kovu relented.
"YES!" Kiara squealed excitedly.
"In one condition," Kovu interrupted.
"Yeah sure what is it?" Kiara asked.
"You'll be absolutely careful, you'll listen to everything I say and you'll take it easy," Kovu said smiling lovingly at her. Kiara smiled back and rushed to give him a hug.

"Okay so now that we've gone through basic manoeuvres, we'll teach you all how to knock a lion unconscious, without killing them. Charise, it's all you," Vitani said stepping away and allowing Charise to take over.
"To knock a person unconscious, you hold them down just long enough so the back of their necks  will be exposed. You take your paw and hit them. That will render the perpetrator unconscious," Charise said.

"How long will it knock them unconscious for?" Kiara asked.
"Excellent question. Depending on how hard you hit them will determine how long they will stay unconscious,"  Charise replied.
"And now I shall give you a demonstration, are there any volunteers?" Carise asked the crowd.

"Chad! Send Chad! Send him, send him, send him!" Alisa shouted excitedly.
"Wait what? Why me?" Chad cried.
"Because you look like you're about to fall asleep that's why," Charise said wickedly as she approached her brother.
"Oh come on, send someone else," Chad protested against this, not wanting to feel Charise hit him, knowing from experience she would not go easy on him.

"Hurry up and get it done Chad, we don't have all day you know," Kovu said annoyed.
"Easy for you to say, you're not getting hit by anyone," Chad said.
"Hurry up you wimp! It's just a demonstration," Marisa shouted.
"You're just watching Marisa so be quiet," Chad shot back. "Charise will not go easy on me she'll hit me so hard that I'll-"

Chad cried out painfully and staggered twice before he groaned and fell on his side, totally unconscious.
At first no one moved or said anything. Kovu broke the silence.
"Well done Kiara! Good job!" he said proudly.
Kiara giggled and stepped away from Chad's sleeping body, a triumphant smile on her face.
"That is how you knock a person unconscious. Well done Kiara," Charise said, impressed with Kiara's work.

Several hours passed before they took a break after going over all the manoeuvres, all the battle tactics, blocking attacks, delivering counter attacks and dodging. Kiara did everything perfectly, she defeated every single one of her opponents and came out victorious every single round. Kovu was immensely proud of her.

Venicia and her leopards also trained with the pride and even she had something to offer, fighting wise. She showed them how to conceal themselves and how to camouflage into the environment. Rani demonstrated how to use a person's strength and weakness to their advantage and provided guidelines on how to use the environment in fighting their perpetrators. By nightfall the pride was ready for battle.

They ate dinner and took an early night, knowing full and well what awaited them the next day. Cougar and his pride were coming and they were coming for blood. They knew what was at stake when they went to war. Lives would probably be lost, sacrifices will be made and they knew no one would be spared the cruelty of Cougar and his family.

The cubs and the elderly would be  taken somewhere safe. Kovu and Kiara gathered them and asked Venicia if she could keep them with her in the Mirihi Forest, where they would be safe until this was all over. She sent six of her leopards and they took the cubs and elderly to the Mirihi Forest and she stayed with the rest of her leopards. 

When everyone was fast asleep in the den, Kovu and Kiara went to the peak of Pride Rock and sat there, gazing up into the night sky, littered with stars and a few small clouds. The breeze was blowing and the night was cold. Kiara shivered slightly and  snuggled up to her mate, seeking his comforting warmth.

"We're going to war tomorrow," she said softly after a few minutes of silence.
"Yes we are. It is after all what I've been trained for all my life. To avenge Scar, kill Simba and take his place as King of the Pride Lands," Kovu said sadly.

"But you've changed. You were brainwashed all your life by Zira. She was the one who put that lie into your head. She poisoned you and forced you to follow and fulfill Scar's legacy. That monster she was turning you into is gone," Kiara said as she hugged her mate tightly as to assure him.

"You met me, we fell in love, father accepted you and you became his successor. We're married and now, you're the King," she added gently.
"Yes. I'm the King. And you're my Queen," Kovu said staring into the eyes of the love of his life. A moment of silence passed between them as they stared into each other's eyes.

They stared for a while before Kovu crashed his lips against Kiara's and they began to kiss.
Kovu held Kiara tightly against him and allowed his paws to roam her body, caressing her everywhere he could reach. Kiara moaned softly into the kiss and took her paws, aced them to the back if his head and brought him closer.

When they separated after a few minutes, Kovu licked his mate's face and and she giggled.
"Bedtime, we have a long day tomorrow," Kovu said hoarsely.
"Mmm yes. Let's go in, I'm a little cold anyway," Kiara said as she turned and walked into the den.

Kovu followed and together they walked inside, went to their corner and snuggled closer to each other to conserve body heat and just for the sake of it.
"I love you Kovu," Kiara whispered.
"I love you Kiara," Kovu whispered back.

Author's note:
Okay so they are now locked and loaded. I can't wait for the next chapter, I have so many things planned for it and I hope you all will enjoy it. Love you all 💕💕💕💕

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