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"The entrance of the Lion Guard's lair and Hakuna  Matata Falls, are they being watched?" Kovu asked Kion as he stood on the platform. Kiara stood next to Kovu, and in front of them were Kion, Rani, Vitani, Venicia, Chad and Charise.
"Everywhere is on surveillance," Vitani reported.
"Everywhere?" Kovu asked  skepticism evident.
"Yes everywhere," the six of them said in unison.

"It's noon now, is Tasha back from Mheetu's territory yet?" Kovu asked Kiara.
"No not yet. Uncle Mheetu wanted her to accompany him somewhere, I forgot where, but it's important. She said she'd be back around noon. Let's give it some time," Kiara said.
"Your majesty, Venicia, you called for us?"

Kovu turned quickly around and saw Mari, Ash and Stacy standing behind them and he raised his eyebrows questioningly.
"Mari, Ash, Stacy? What are you all doing here?" Venicia asked as she came and stood in front of her leopards.
"What are we doing here? What do you mean? You and Kovu called us here, you said we were to switch posts at the Southern border?" Mari said.

"We said what?" Kovu asked coming forward.
"We gave no such orders. You were to stay at the Northern border, we never said for you to switch posts."
"But your majesty, Usaliti, Uhaini and Hila came to the Northern border and told us you gave us orders to switch posts," Ash insisted. 

"Why would they do that?" Kiara asked.
Kovu was silent as he thought for a moment, as he pondered why Usaliti, Uhaini and Hila would say something like that. Then it hit him.
"They've double-crossed us," he murmured softly.
"What did you say Kovu?"

"They've double-crossed us! Usaliti, Uhaini and Hila told Mari, Ash and Stacy to come here on our orders, because Cougar and his family were entering the Pride Lands via the Northern border," Kovu said.

"This means, the six of the lions and lionesses besides Usaliti, Uhaini and Hila are all traitors!" Charise shouted outrageously.
"They never truly pledged their loyalty to us. Usaliti, Uhaini and Hila came from Frank's pride didn't they?" Kiara asked.
"They did," Chad confirmed.

"So if they're from Frank's pride, it's a possiblity that they've been secretly engaging with Frank and Cougar. Giving them insider's information, telling them what is going on and forming a plan based on what they've learnt. When Kovu took a walk the morning they came into the outlands to rescue me, the three of them must've told Cougar that Kovu was out on his own and he sent Arsenal to use her powers on Kovu, in an attempt to lure him into the outlands!" Kiara exclaimed. 

"Well, well, well. It appears your mate isn't as dumb as I perceived her to be. She figured all what we were doing so effortlessly. I envy you Kovu,"
Kiara and Kovu turned quickly around and saw Cougar, Isis, Zayne, Arsenal and Maana standing there, evil smirks plastered on their faces.
"How did you get past our defenses?!" Kovu shouted.

"It wasn't hard," Maana said with a smirk.
"Shabaha! Kasi! Tazama! Imara!" Vitani shouted for the rest of the Lion Guard but no-one appeared.
"Is anyone there?" Kion called. But like Vitani, no-one answered.
"What have you done with them?!" Kovu shouted aggressively.

"You'll find out soon enough. But I'd advise you not make any rash decision. Wouldn't want your mate to suffer the consequences for your mistake would you?" Zayne said darkly.
At this threat Kovu growled and stepped protectively in front of Kiara.

"Don't you dare threaten my mate. Get the hell out of here, now!" Kovu said angrily.
"We just got here. And you expect us to leave so soon? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Rude," Arsenal said with a smirk.
"You stole magic from the Uchawi Oasis! I should have your head!" Rani shouted.

"Oh Rani are you still raving on about that? Yeah we stole magic from your precious little fountain. What, oh what are you going to do about it?" Zayne sneered.
"Rani growled and was just about to lunge at Zayne, but Kovu stopped her.

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