An eventful day

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"Did you ask to see me Mom?" asked Kiara walking to where her mother was standing.
"Yes dear," said Nala getting up. "Has Kovu been training you Kiara?"

"To hunt Mom? Yes he has," Kiara replied.
"Okay then," said Nala. "In a few weeks you will have your first hunt, you couldn't hunt your first kill the day you were supposed to because of the fire, so Kovu will continue to train you so you can join the hunting party one day do you understand?"

Kiara was overjoyed. She didn't have a good chance to hunt for the first time because of the unfortunate fire. So this time her hunt was about to go off without a single mistake.
"Yeah, thanks Mom."

Kiara walked into the den, only to meet a sleeping Kovu. Kiara smiled and gently nudged him with her paw. At first he didn't wake up, but a few more nudges did the trick.
"Huh what's going on Kiara?" asked Kovu as he opened his eyes to look at Kiara's exited face.

"Kovu Mom wants to know if you can help me out with my hunting skills, she wants me to join the hunt soon and I'm really not that good," she admitted with a blush. 

He got up stretched out his muscles and nodded his head. "I'll certainly help you with your hunting skills Kiara, but not today. We'll start tomorrow, at dawn."
"DAWN!" shouted Kiara. 
"But why dawn can't we start at noon?"

"Noon are you serious?" he asked her his eyes widening with disbelief.
"Yeah noon," she said. "I don't ever wake up that early, I need my beauty sleep."
"Beauty sleep my foot!" exclaimed Kovu.

"In the outlands we had to wake up  before dawn  to start training, and we had to stop 4 hours after sunset."  Kiara was just about to protest when she heard Marisa call her name from outside.
"We'll argue the point later, after the hunting party returns with dinner."
Outside of the den all the lionesses were sitting on the platform, listening to Nala give hunting instructions.

"Okay ladies we will be hunting a buffalo this morning. It's easier for all of us to team up to hunt it, so get into your positions," said Nala enthusiastically. The hunting party bounded into the savannah  and got into positions.

The herd was busily grazing, not paying any mind to the lionesses as they advanced. They crept closer and closer until they were within pouncing distance. And then they jumped out of the grass and ran towards a female buffalo, startling the rest of the herd.

With their combined efforts, they wrestled the buffalo to the ground. Once the buffalo was under control, the suffocation bite was delivered. It bawled and tried to kick off its perpetrators, but the lionesses held it down. Within minutes and the buffalo was dead.
"Very well done ladies, someone call the pride and we can begin eating," Nala said.

With the pride present everyone began eating. They chatted and relaxed in the sun, enjoying the ambience of the morning. When they were finished, everyone left to go their separate ways.

Nala and Simba went to relax at the back of Pride Rock, Vitani and Marisa went to lie at the water's edge and the lionesses scattered to either relax in the sun, nap, take care of their cubs or just sit around and chat.   Kovu and Kiara took a walk around the Pride Lands, chatting and chasing each other, playing tag or rolling around in the grass.

At one point in time, Kovu tripped on a rock and fell into the Eastern waterhole.  Kiara laughed at this. It was rather funny to see Kovu spluttering and thrashing in the cold water. When he'd had just about enough, he pulled Kiara down with him making her shriek in protest.

"Ahhh! Kovu how dare you?! The water is freezing cold and you pulled me down? So I could get sick? And you laugh too?!"
Kovu laughed loudly and splashed her playfully.
"Well you laughed at me so why can't I laugh at you? Plus it's hysterical." Kovu said teasingly. Kiara gasped and splashed him when he was still laughing, making him cough as the water came into him mouth and flew down his throat unexpectedly.

"Now that's hysterical," Kiara said with a smirk. When he recovered, Kovu narrowed his eyes at her dangerously. Kiara blinked and scrambled out of the water, catching a hint of what Kovu intended to do to her if he caught her.
"Why're you running? Don't run, come back, when I catch you, you'll be sorry!" Kovu shouted.

"No! Leave me alone! I didn't mean it, it's not hysterical, I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Kiara yelled as she ran away from Kovu, who had an evil grin on his face.

After running for what seemed to be forever, Kiara halted at the Northern waterhole to catch her breath. "Whew, lost him. Thank the Kings," she gasped wearily.
"Thank the Kings for what sweetheart?"
Kiara turned and saw her parents standing there, amused expressions on their faces.

"Daddy Kovu was chasing me, I was just running from him that's all. I pushed him into the water and laughed. Cause it was hysterical," she said still out of breath. Simba chuckled and placed his paw on Nala's back.
"I remember the time when your Mom and me reconnected after a long time, in the jungle. I pulled her in the water and she came out looking like a drowned vulture," he said laughing.
Nala scoffed at the comparison.
"Of all the creatures you compare me to? Why a vulture?" she asked exasperatedly.

"Yeah Simba why a vulture? Nala is too pretty to be compared to a vulture," a male voice said.
"Thank you Kovu. At least my future son-in-law thinks I'm pretty," Nala said smirking at Simba who rolled his eyes.
Kiara laughed for a moment and turned to face Kovu unaware of what she had previously done.

"He's so sweet isn't he?" she asked her parents. Simba nodded and Nala smiled.
"You can run really fast I'll give you that," Kovu said to Kiara as he ran his claws over her back.
"Apparently so, I run when I'm faced with danger. So yeah I guess I can run pretty fas-"

It took her several seconds to process what was going on. And when she did, it was too late; Kovu had her on the ground in seconds.
"Ahh! Please don't, leave me! I didn't mean it!" she shrieked. Kovu laughed loudly and Nala and Simba smiled amusedly and left the two alone.

They played, they ran and they relaxed in the sun. And when the sun went down, the hunting party hunted another buffalo and the pride went to sleep, exhausted with the eventful day.

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