The calling

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Everyone in the Pride Lands was asleep, prey and predator were all in a deep slumber. Simba, Nala and the rest of the pride were in the cave, sleeping and dreaming, completely unaware that their enemies were creeping closer and closer to their borders. They had no idea of the troubles they were about to face.

The sinister plot that was in store for them; it would come as a shock, and there was no way to prevent it. The roar came from the southern border, loud, challenging, territorial and extremely close by. It woke  everyone up and soon, every single pride member was out on the platform.  

"Who was that?" Vitani demanded. She was one of the first ones to exit the cave. Marisa came up and stood next to her sister, her red eyes were vibrant and alert.
"It came from the Southern Border," she said. "I don't know who made it, but it sounds like someone is looking to pick a fight."

Vitani nodded in agreement and stretched out her muscles.
"Well if that's the case, I'll be more than happy to put them in their place and send them flying back to wherever the hell they came from,"
Simba stood at the peak of Pride Rock and peered into the distance. What he saw, made him stiffen and inhale sharply. Seeing his stance, Nala walked up to him and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"What is it Simba? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. Simba looked back at his wife and then back to the Southern Border. "I'm seeing a pride of lions, about twenty. They're coming this way; towards Pride Rock and they're coming quickly," he said urgently.  It was all Vitani needed to hear. She turned to face the pride and requested their attention. 

"Everyone, there is something you must know. Simba said there is a pride of lions approaching Pride Rock. Now we have no idea who they are, no idea what they what and no idea why they're here. Most likely they are here to challenge us for the Pride Lands," as she said this, there were murmurs of worry and panic.

"But we must not rush in ahead without thinking everything through. We need a strategy and since I have been training for moments like this since I was a cub, I request Simba and Nala to grant me permission to handle this dire situation we are faced with," she said.

After her speech, the young lioness turned to face her king and queen, seeking their approval. Simba nodded and Vitani smiled, it was all the encouragement she needed. She gathered the pride around her and relayed her plan.

Meanwhile at the Isle  of Upendi...

Kiara and Kovu were fast asleep in the grassy plains where they had been walking earlier. They appeared perfectly realxed. Then all of a sudden, Kiara woke up and sat on her hunches. Her eyes were still half asleep but when she shook herself out, she felt more awake.

She yawned and stood on all fours, walking away from where her husband lay, Kiara went over to a nearby pool of water and bent her head to take a drink. After a few laps, she felt a breeze ruffle her fur and looked up to the sky. She frowned as a dark cloud formed over head. Then she heard a voice, it was deep and masculine, and it sounded far away. It said...

At first she had no idea who spoke and decided she was probably homesick and was imagining her father's voice. She shrugged her shoulders and resumed drinking, and then she heard it again. This time it was closer and more distinct. 

"Okay that's just creepy," she said to herself.
"What's just creeepy?"
Kiara turned around and saw Kovu standing behind her rubbing his eye and yawning. She smiled at the sight and sighed because what she saw was utterly adorable.
"Nothing honey, It's just that... I thought I heard someone call my name, that's all," she said walking over to where he was and nuzzling his cheeks.

"But I guess it was just me hallucinating that's all." she said laughing nervously.
"Hallucinating hah! Oh princess you are worse than your father, oh yes you are," a laughing voice declared. Kiara yelped and jumped on Kovu sending them both crashing down. They stood up in a hurry and turned around, only to find Rafiki staring at them and grinning crazily.  

"Rafiki? what are you doing here and where in Mufasa's name did you come from?" Kiara shouted in annoyance. Rafiki jumped on a surprised Kiara's back and konked her lightly on her head with his stick.
"Oww! Hey! What was that for?" she asked rubbing the spot on her head where Rafiki had hit her.

"Firstly, it's Grandfather Mufasa to you missy. Secondly, you weren't hallucinating when you heard your name being called," Rafiki said picking up a rock and throwing it into the pool where Kiara was drinking. 

"Okay if she wasn't hallucinating, who called her then?" Kovu asked. Rafiki picked up another stone and threw it into the pool, he didn't answer Kovu's question. The young lion groaned tapped Rafiki lightly on his shoulder with his paw.
Rafiki, I'm talking to you," he said irritably. He was tired and he wanted to go back to sleep, but he wasn't about to do that until he found out who called Kiara.

"RA-FI-KI-!" Kovu half yelled. Suddenly Rafiki spun around and hit Kovu on his head with his staff making his shout in pain. 
"Oii, I ain't deaf! You'll  burst my eardrums if you continue to holler like that," the monkey said smugly. Kovu groaned and Kiara rolled her eyes.

Then as if he decided to take matters into his own paws, Great King Mufasa appeared in the sky in a cloud form, he looked majestic and powerful as he looked down at his granddaughter, grandson-in-law and old friend. When he spoke his voice was like thunder and yet it was gentle and radiated kindness.

"Kiara my dear," he said addressing his granddaughter. Kiara looked up at her grandfather. She could scarcely believe he was speaking to her. She listened intently as he spoke once more. "There is a deep trouble at Pride Rock. You and Kovu must return at once," 

"T..trouble? Grandfather, there is trouble at Pride Rock?" Kiara was dumfounded. "What.. What kind of trouble?" she was terrified to ask but she desperately wanted to know what was going on in her beloved kingdom.
"Yes Mufasa, what is this trouble you speak of?" Kovu asked him.

"One that requires the presence of the future rulers of the Pride Lands," Mufasa replied solemnly. Kiara and Kovu were shocked at this news. Had a member of their pride been kidnapped, injured? Had something happened to their parents? Or worse, had someone died?  There were too many possibilities to consider and that alone scared Kiara senseless.

"I must go now, but remember this, do not give up. You have resources, use them, you have allies, call them, you have courage and faith, do not forsake them," Mufasa said this last piece of advice and then he vanished into the clouds. Kiara and Kovu looked at each other then at Rafiki, who for once in a very long while had a serious expression on his face.

"Rafiki what do we do?" Kiara asked nearly in tears. "Grandfather Mufasa said there was trouble looming home, what do we do? How do we stop it?" she asked desperately seeking answers to her questions. Kovu told Kiara to calm down he turned to face the direction of Pride Rock.

"We have to abandon our trip and go home," he said softly. "Our pride needs us. We have to help them, it's what being rulers is all about; we have to answer the calling," 

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