The ultimate sacrifice

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"I swear if anything happens to Viktor I'll never forgive you Daddy," Arsenal said as she paced the cave and was on the constant lookout for her mate. 
"It's a warzone out there, what if he's hurt? Has been held captive? Or worst dying!"
"Can you calm the hell down? You've been pacing ever since they left, relax!" Zayne said irritatedly as he laid on the ground next to Tasha who was still tied with the vines, unable to  move anywhere.

"But he's my mate! It's only natural that I worry about him!"  Arsenal argued.
"Ugh shut the hell up! I'm getting a migraine! Shut. Up!" Maana growled. Arsenal frowned at the behaviour of  her siblings and walked to the entrance of the cave and peeked out again.
Zayne yawned and covered his face with his paws.
"Haven't you ever gotten along with her as cubs?" Tasha inquired.

Zayne sat up and looked at Tasha, surprised she had spoken so casually to him.
"We got along fine," he said guardedly.
"Have you ever...fought with them?"
"We were always training and perfecting our skills, fighting was a necessity. It taught us to defend ourselves and how to survive,"
"Oh. That's sad," Tasha said.
"I don't want you to feel sorry for me," Zayne said rolling his eyes. "Save your pity for those who need it."

Tasha laughed at this and Zayne looked at her, not hearing her laugh before.
"What's so funny?"
"I'm not giving you pity you fool, I'm just saying it's sad that you had to give up your cubhood to train and become a killing machine," she said.

Zayne heard this and grew quiet.
He always thought that as a cub, his sole duty was to train and become whatever his father wanted him to become- a king. A ruler, an all powerful individual, respected and feared by all who he encountered.

"I..I never thought about it that way. I never truly had a cubhood, it seemed as though my entire cubhood, dedicated to following in my father's paw prints," he said placing his head on his paw and looking thoughtfully at the wall.

"I had a great relationship growing up with my parents, my sister and brother, living in the Pride Lands. I left home when Kiara started training for her first hunt, then I came back when she and Kovu for married and stuff," Tasha said smiling as she recalled the fondness of the moment when her sister had embraced her and they caught up after spending so much time apart.

"Kiara and I had fights as cubs, but lethal fights, playful ones. She was always so spoiled, so feisty, so sassy. Dad always gave her what she wanted and she was like a little princess. Literally and figuratively speaking," Tasha said with a giggle.
"Yeah Maana was spoiled too, Dad would pamper her and treat her like she was a fragile mouse. When she didn't get her way, she'd throw tantrums and Dad would always take her side," Zayne said with a smirk. 

They laughed at this and actually enjoyed themselves as they reminisced about their cubhood as different as it was.
"Can I ask you something?" Zayne surprised Tasha by asking.
"Uhh sure?" Tasha was just as surprised. Sure they were having a civilised conversation, but this was the first time he'd actually asked her something directly.
"If you get pregnant...would you keep the cubs?"

Tasha stared at Zayne. Did he really just ask that  question? She pondered upon it for a few  seconds, would she keep the cubs?
Before she could reply however she heard a commotion at the entrance of the cave. Voices. Loud voices.

"Daddy! Come quick!" Arsenal shrieked. Cougar groaned and jumped off the floor and peered outside and growled fiercely. 
"Dad what is it?" Zayne too jumped up and raced to the entrance of the cave.
"Kiara," Tasha whispered as she tugged at the vines, trying to loosen the knots so she could escape.

"Just who do you think you are?!" Arsenal shouted. "AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY MATE!"
Viktor was being held by Kovu and Chad and Isis by Charise and Vitani.
"Cougar in sorry they threatened to kill me!" Isis cried desperately.
"So to save yourself you ratted us out?!" Cougar roared.
"I had no choice," Isis protested.
"Mother you're pathetic!" Maana said disgustedly.

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