A most unlikely alliance

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"Kovu! Kovu! Somebody do something he isn't responding, I think he's in a trance or something, Simba, Nala please! DO SOMETHING!" 

Kovu was jolted awake by the shrill sound of his mother's voice. He blinked twice and looked around him only to find that he was on the platform, surrounded by his parents, Simba, Nala, Tasha, his sisters and Alisa, Chad and Charise. Upon seeing that her son has finally regained consciousness, Diana threw herself on him and cried softly.

"Sweetheart what happened to you? We were all so worried, don't ever scare me like that again," she said looking at him through teary eyes. Kovu sighed and rubbed his head against his mother. What on earth just happened? He felt like he was in a trance of some sort. He saw him. Mufasa was right in front of him, he looked too real to be a fragment of his imagination.

He was there, he spoke to him and he advised him. He told him that 'things weren't always the way they seemed' what did he mean by that and what did it have to do with their current situation? 
"Your majesty what shall we do with these three? Shall we send them back to the outlands?" one of the lionesses who held Alisa asked Kovu.

Then it hit him. 'Things aren't always the way they seem' Mufasa HAD to be referring to Alisa when he made that statement. She was their enemy yes, but she had come to warn them of Cougar's plan, she risked her life and came to the Pride Lands despite the fact  that if she were to be seen on their borders, she would be killed.

Alisa was their ally and not their enemy. And suddenly, the statement 'Things aren't always the way they seem' started to make more and more sense to Kovu. He motioned for the lionesses to release Alisa and made them stand on the sidelines much to everyone's surprise.

"Ignoring everything I just witnessed regarding you and your siblings Alisa, I have made the decision to trust you," Kovu said. "You came here to warn us of Cougar's plot and also gave us Kiara's location. I owe you for that. I am ready to make a deal with you, IF you are willing to listen and agree to my conditions." 

"ARE YOU INSANE!? I will not allow you to form an alliance with THEM Alisa. Cougar kidnapping Kiara is their problem, not ours, you will come back home with us and forget EVERYTHING," Charise said angrily as she attempted to drag her sister back. Alisa looked at Charise, disgust written all over her features. She yanked her shoulder back and glared at her, fury etched across her face.

"Just ten minutes ago you were insulting me and calling me names. You ridiculed and tortured me all the time and made my life hell! You and Chad always made me feel insignificant and small in front of Mother and Father at every chance you get! Why should I listen to you Charise? TELL ME WHY SHOULD I?!" Alisa screamed. 

Charise and Chad's eyes widened in disbelief upon listening to their sister's rant. They didn't say anything, they just stared at her. Deciding she didn't care what her siblings had to say, Alisa scoffed and turned away from them and faced Kovu, her eyes and facial expression softening. "Kovu I'm ready to listen  to whatever you have to say. Whatever terms, conditions you have, just tell me. I'm ready to listen and agree to them whatever they may be. 

"I have a plan to get Kiara back and to eliminate Cougar and his army, but in order to do so, we have to work together," Kovu said. Chad and Charise, along with Vitani and Marisa started to protest at the same time, all with reasons as to why the other couldn't be trusted.

"Kovu you've got to be kidding, I am not forming an alliance with these two. You may trust Alisa, but I for one am not going to put my  trust in Chad and Charise," Vitani retorted as she shot glares at Charise who was only too happy to return them. 
"I agree with Vitani, have you forgotten what they did to Kiara? To the Pride Lands? To us?" Marisa asked incredulously as she stared at her brother.

Kovu sighed and tried to explain the importance of this decision to his sisters. "Tani, Marisa, I know you find it hard to trust-"    
"Not hard, IMPOSSIBLE!" Vitani, Marisa, Chad and Charise shouted in unison. Kovu groaned and Alisa rolled her eyes.

"It is not impossible, you all are just making excuses. I admit my family has done bad things and I don't blame you for having reservations. But we must look beyond our past and move on. Kiara is in danger, the Pride Lands is in danger. Cougar MUST be stopped. And the only way we can stop him and his pride is if we work together," Alisa said as she tried to reason with her siblings. 

"Alisa is absolutely right, we have to work together if Cougar is to be stopped. Two forces united to defeat a common enemy, it makes perfect sense," Kovu said firmly. Deciding what Kovu was suggesting made sense, Chad stepped forward and sighed deeply. Alisa looked at her brother and smiled hopefully.

"Please Chad, please listen to what Kovu is saying. You want Cougar to be defeated don't you? Please, you and Charise join them," she said gently. Chad looked to his little sister and smiled. He placed a paw on her head and ruffled her fur affectionately. "I always said you were the smartest out of all of us," he said nuzzling his sister. 

Alisa giggled and hugged him tightly, making everyone smile. "Chad have you lost it? Father will be furious when he finds out what you've done. Forming an alliance with our enemies is the stupidest thing you've ever done," Charise said aggressively. Chad turned to face his other sister, a bored look in his eyes.

"Charise you can say what you want, I'm not doing this because I want to be friends with them, I still have my reservations about trusting them. But like us, the pride landers also have a vendetta against Cougar and his family. Consider it not as an alliance, but a temporary truce." 

Charise opened her mouth to say something else, but then she considered what her brother said and realized he was right to some extent. If they all worked together to stop Cougar, hopefully when this whole thing was over with, she and her family may be allowed some liberty to hunt in the Pride Lands, it was worth a try.

Although she despised Kovu and his family, Charise also loved her brother and sister, though she never let her emotions show. She didn't want anything to happen to them and this was the ONLY reason she was going along with this whole thing. If she didn't watch over them, who would?

With an annoyed sigh, she stepped up to Kovu and glanced briefly at her sister, where she was met with a gleeful grin. At this Charise rolled her eyes and looked back at Kovu.
"Alright Kovu we're in. Let's hear your plan." 

Author's Note: Two enemy forces joined together to defeat a common enemy. THIS BOOK JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER. DoN't YoU AgReE? Hope you all enjoyed the chapter ;)

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