How many more disappointments

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"Are you absolutely sure this is my case Rafiki?" Marisa asked weakly. She was seated with Rafiki in the bottom of his tree, he held a turtle shell under the her and it contained a sickly, greenish substance- vomit. She had puked three times for the morning and with no other option, she went to Rafiki.

He gave her some water with a brownish medicine and after several seconds, she puked. Rafiki patted her shoulder  and tried to provide some comfort for the sick lioness.
"Marisa I am positively sure this is your case," the monkey said lowly. "My test proved right. You are expecting." Marisa inhaled sharply and tears started to run down her cheeks. She was pregnant? Placing a paw on her stomach, Marisa thanked Rafiki and left. 

She couldn't believe she was pregnant. Her brain felt messed up as she tried to process the new information. For one thing, she couldn't tell anyone-not now, not yet. Kovu would be livid if he learns of her pregnancy. When he learns that SHE was the one responsible for the rouge problem.

He would exile her when he found out that SHE had brought the rogues into the Pride Lands.  And her mother? She would be heartbroken to know that Marisa hadn't saved herself for her mate and she was bearing someone else's offspring. Her sister would hate her, her father would be so disappointed!

 It was too much! Marisa collapsed on her stomach and screamed in frustration, not caring if anyone heard her. She was a mess and she couldn't share her troubles with anyone. Not her parents, not her siblings and not anyone for that matter. She was all alone. 

Kovu, Kiara and Vitani were searching everywhere for Marisa. The sun was setting fast and it would be dark soon.
"Okay so we looked at the eastern border, the northern border and the western border as well as the gorge, the waterholes, Pride Rock and the savannah. Where IS this girl?" Vitani groaned annoyed with her sister's latest disappearing act.

 Kovu rolled his eyes. He agreed with Vitani 100%. Marisa had been missing all afternoon and they had been searching for her for hours.
"Wherever she is, I'm gonna chew her brains for leaving without telling anyone," Kovu said growling. Kiara sighed and follwed her mate and Vitani as they walked around the savannah. 

Suddenly, they heard a loud shriek coming from behind them and turned around alarmed. A female leopard was running at top speed towards them. Kiara gasped and ran to meet her, with a smiling Kovu and a stunned Vitani in tow. "VENICIA!!" Kiara squealed excitedly as the leopard rushed up and pounced playfully on Kiara's back sending the two females crashing to the grass.

"Kiara hi, I missed you sooo much," Venicia said laughing as she pinned Kiara underneath her. Kovu and Vitani came up and Kovu greeted Venicia with a smile. "It's great to see you again Venicia. How are you doing?" he said sitting next to them. Venicia had let Kiara up and she sat next to Kovu, a smile on her face.  

"Hi Kovu. I'm good thanks, how's the married life going?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. Kovu rolled his eyes and shoved Venicia on her shoulder. "That's none of your business thank you very much," he said. Venicia scoffed and turned to Vitani and raised her eyebrow questioningly.  

Kovu noticed this and introduced them. "Venicia this is my sister Vitani. Vitani this is my and Kiara's friend Venicia. We met her on our honeymoon," Kovu said. Vitani extended her paw and aimed an easy smile at the leopard.

"Pleased to make your aquaintance," she said in a friendly tone. "The pleasure's all mine," Venicia replied accepting Vitani's gesture with a grin. They all sat around chatting for a while until Kovu suggested they return to Pride Rock before everyone started to worry. 

"But we still haven't found Marisa yet," Kiara protested. Kovu sighed and continued to walk back home. "Kiara Marisa is a big girl. She could find her own way home," he said to his mate. Vitani patted Kiara on her shoulder and suggested she not argue. "Who's Marisa?" Venicia asked as they walked back to Pride Rock.

"Marisa is my sister," Kovu replied. "My irresponsible sister." Kiara wanted to say something in Marisa's defence but Vitani stopped her before she could make a remark. "Don't say anything okay? Just relax and let's go home. Marisa can fend for herself . Don't worry." the purple eyed  lioness said lowly.

Kiara sighed in defeat and nodded and the journey was continued in silence. Venicia sensed the tension and very wisely kept silent the whole time. 

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