How disgusting to see you again

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Kovu, Vitani and Marisa stood in front of Zayne, Arsenal and Maana, looks of hatred and displeasure painted on their faces. Kiara stood behind Kovu, who stepped in front of her in an attempt to shield her from Zayne.

"I don't know how you and your sisters found us, or what you want, but I will assure you of ONE thing, you are NOT welcome here," Kovu said lowly with a hint of warning in his voice. "So unless you have a death wish, I suggest you leave the Pride Lands now before  things get ugly." 

Zayne laughed condescendingly at Kovu's words and took several steps forward followed by his sisters until they were just three feet away from Kovu.
"Kovu is that any way to speak to your guests? We came here to meet you, Vitani and Marisa after not seeing you for so long and this is how you speak to us? Tsk, tsk tsk I'm shocked," he said tauntingly.

Kovu growled and advanced upon Zayne, his face mere inches from the other lion.
"You have ten seconds to turn around and get the hell out of here. If I count to ten and you and your sisters are still here, I won't be responsible for my actions. Now. Get. Out."  

To this, Zayne rolled his eyes and looked beyond Kovu's shoulder and for the first time, he caught a glimpse of Kiara. His eyes widened and he smirked and walked past Kovu and stood in front of Kiara.
"Well hello gorgeous, I don't think we've met.  What's your name?" he asked sweetly. Kiara rolled her eyes and smiled back just as sweetly, her facial expression mimicking Zayne's voice.

"Oh how rude of me, my name's Kiara, What's your name? Should I call you handsome?" Zayne chuckled and moved closer. "You can call me anything you want sweetheart," he replied seductively.
Kiara pretended to be in deep consideration, her face scrunched up as she tried to think. Zayne waited patiently for her, and after several minutes, Kiara's face lit up and she flashed her eyelashes at Zayne.

"I've thought of a name handsome, wanna hear it?" she asked running her claws on his shoulder. Zayne shuddered and Kovu's eyes widened in horror as he watched his wife flirt with his enemy. Vitani raised her eyebrows, Marisa placed her paw over her eyes, Simba and Nala's mouths dropped open and Tasha pretended to gag. 

"I'd LOVE to hear it darling, do tell me," Zayne replied inching his face closer. Kiara giggled and placed her paws on the side of his face and smiled deviously. "Okay here goes, the name I've thought of is-" she leaned in closer until her lips were close to his ears and much to Kovu's pleasure and everyone's surprise, she shouted, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY KINGDOM BEFORE I MURDER YOU!" 

Zayne staggered backwards and fell on his rump, rubbing his ears and glaring at Kiara who simply smiled as if nothing was wrong. Kovu smirked and stepped up to his mate and together they smiled at Zayne who was now standing next to his sisters.
"So you aren't the innocent, submissive, lovable mate everyone's talking about huh?" he spat out in disgust.

"I always thought Kovu would pick a submissive lioness to be his mate. So he could push her around and force her to submit to him and fulfil his needs but I guess I was wrong."  
Upon hearing this, Kiara lost her smile and turned to look at Kovu, hurt and confusion in her amber eyes. "Kovu what is he talking about?" she asked.

Kovu groaned and looked to Vitani and Marisa for help. Marisa came up and stood next to Kiara and rested her paw on her shoulder. "Kiara let's leave from here and go somewhere else, let Kovu handle Zayne, he'll tell you everything later," she said. 

Zayne stepped up to Kiara and Kovu, who was watching his movements closely and grinned deviously.
"Wait you mean to tell me you didn't tell your mate anything about your life in the outlands? You didn't tell her about Cassandra?"

Kovu glared at Zayne and stepped up threateningly.
"Don't you dare say anything about Cassandra, not here, not ever. Get out of my kingdom now before I ask my lionesses to give  you a bloodbath!" 
Simba, Nala and Tasha stepped up and Simba, with a look aimed directly at Kovu, he asked, "Kovu what is he talking about, truly. Why are they here and who is Cassandra?"

Kovu sighed and turned to look at Simba, his eyes pained.
"Simba can we please talk about this later? I can answer your questions, but not now. Let me dispose of these three first and then I'll answer whatever questions you have," Kovu said in an attempt to divert everyone's attention from that particular subject. 

Simba nodded his head although he desperately wanted to know who Cassandra was. But he understood patience was the key to learning information. With that problem solved, Kovu turned to face Zayne who was looking on with a bored expression on his face.

Kovu stepped forward, and with a menacing tone, said to Zayne, "You are to leave right now, I won't tell you again Zayne. Get out of here and DO NOT come back." Zayne snickered and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere Kovu, you've grown up with us in the outlands, you should know I don't EVER waver in my decisions. When I decide something, I don't change my mind." 

Vitani and Marisa growled and stepped up and stood next to their brother. Arsenal and Maana did the same.
"Zayne should we tell them what we have to tell  them now or just leave that to father?" Arsenal asked lowly. Zayne shook his head and stood abruptly.

"We won't tell now, but we could leave them with some disturbing thoughts that are bound to keep them up all night," he said smirking at Kovu. Kovu growled and stood in front of Kiara as Zayne and his sisters came and stood in front of them. 

"Kovu you mightn't believe me when I say this, but I'll say it anyway in the name of our past friendship," Zayne said. Kovu straightened and lost his previous glare, but the coldness didn't leave his emerald green eyes. He sat down and with a low tone, said,  "I'm listening. Talk," 

Author's note: Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I apologise once more for the cliffhanger. Sike. LMAO. But have no fear, I will update soon. Probably on Monday or something. Love you all and thank you for all the support and amazing votes and comments.

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