Drugged and kidnapped

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Kovu and Kiara were fast asleep in their PLC unaware of Alisa and her family's plan to kidnap them. Vitani was at the waterhole drinking water, Marisa was talking with her friends and the rest of the pride was asleep in the den. Kovu woke up when he heard voices outside the cave and quietly roused  Kiara, comfortably asleep on the ground on the corner.

Together they crept up to the entrance of the cave and pounced on the source of the voices. When they realized it was only Vitani and Marisa, they got up and helped them to stand.
"Oh gosh we're sorry girls we didn't realize it was you two," said Kiara sheepishly.

Vitani waved her off good naturally. "That's alright Kiara, I'm sure you didn't mean to pounce on us. You see Marisa, Kiara pounced on me and pinned me down on the first try, learn from her," Vitani said to Marisa with a teasing look in her eyes.

"Wait what? You guys were having a tussle? And you didn't invite me?" Kovu asked with mock sadness.
"Hey you were busy with your girl, who are we to interrupt you?" Marisa said laughing.
"Good point," Kovu allowed.
Kiara laughed and invited them to enter the cave. They gladly went in and sat down. They chatted and relaxed, enjoying the breeze and the quiet atmosphere.

Frank, Nora, Chad, Charise and Alisa were fast approaching the Pride Lands, Chad and Charise had a turtle shell on their backs with a green, yellow and black substance in it, Frank and Nora had sticks in their mouths and Alisa had vines in her mouth. The lions approached the cave that Kiara, Kovu, Vitani and Marisa were in and they waited outside.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Do you mean to tell me that it took a whole year for Kovu to pin Vitani down in a fight? Kovu?" Kiara asked incredulously as she listened to the stories that Kovu and his sisters had in the outlands.
"Yes Kiara that's true," Kovu said looking down at his paws. That memory was one of the most embarrassing memories he had ever endured. It took several weeks for Vitani to stop taunting him for it.

"You poor thing," Kiara murmured with her paw over her mouth. It was the only a futon she could think of to cover up her laugh. But Kovu saw her and his eyes narrowed slightly.
"You can laugh if you want Kiara, it's hysterical I know," he said rolling his eyes. With his spoken permission Kiara burst into crazy laughter, she snorted a couple of times and laughed some more until tears fell down her face.

"Are you done laughing?" Kovu asked frustratedly.
"Maybe," Kiara squeaked.
Marisa chuckled and Vitani rested her head on Kovu's shoulder, he looked down at her.
"I'm sorry I brought up that memory," she said dolefully.
"Are you really?" he asked.
"Fall on your face!" Kovu scoffed.
This brought on more laughs from the three lionesses. They laughed and teased Kovu mercilessly.

Kovu turned to face the caves entrance and sensed an unfamiliar scent and quickly alerted the others.
"Guys, I think I smell someone outside the cave," he said softly. "Maybe it's Mom or Dad," said Marisa standing up.
"No I smell it too it's not Mom or Dad," said Vitani uneasily.
Kovu stood up and walked cautiously outside and looked around, followed by Kiara, Vitani and Marisa.

"It's not my parents, it smells like-" WHAM!
Kiara blacked out as she felt the heavy stick hit her temple. "KIARA!" shouted Kovu. The three lions rushed to her side and Kovu pressed a contraction on her temple, her pulse was faint, it worried him. Then they looked up only to find Frank, Nora and their three children grinning wickedly.

Kovu growled and pounced at Chad but was instantly stopped by Alisa. She took the stick and hit Kovu on his head and like Kiara, he blacked out instantly and fell at their feet.
"Oh Kovu! No!" shouted Vitani and Marisa in unison as they saw their brother fall at the feet of their enemies.

Vitani was going to run back to Pride Rock to get help, but Chad jumped on her back and forced her to smell the substance he brought in the turtle shell. Marisa tried to help her sister but Charise also pinned her and she too forced Marisa to smell the substance. Vitani and Marisa struggled against Chad and Charise but the substance was just too overwhelming, it was making them weaker and weaker with each passing second.

They groaned one last time closed their eyes, exhausted from the effort of staying awake.
All four lions were lying unconscious now and no one was around to help them.
"Oh Alisa my darling daughter, I'm so proud of you honey," said Frank giving his daughter a kiss on her cheeks. Alisa blushed and hugged her father, happy that he finally acknowledged that she was actually worth it.

"Thank you Daddy," she said happily. Chad picked up Kiara, Charise picked up Vitani, Nora and Frank picked up Kovu and Alisa picked up Marisa. They dragged them along and into the outlands to formulate the rest of the plan and possibly torture them until they were satisfied.

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