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The next morning when it was time for morning assembly, everyone was very happy. Their enemies' plan had been foiled, Kiara was doing fine despite the incident that occurred with her and Chad and best of all Simba and Nala had some splendid news to deliver. The usual procedure that included assembling, walking, bowing and roaring went off perfectly.

When the time came for the morning, Simba stepped up to the front and cleared his throat, gaining the pride's full attention.
"Good morning, I see that everyone is perky this morning despite the uhh, incidents yesterday," he saud.
There was a slight display of mutters as that subject was brought up but was ceased the moment Simba continued to speak.

"Nala and I have some wonderful news to deliver that is bound to light up your day. As we all know, Kiara and Kovu are very much in love with each other and Kovu has proven himself. I have seen it for myself when Kovu has tried his level best to ensure that Kiara was safe and sound, and I am very grateful for it,"

Kovu blushed as the lionesses began to cheer and whistle. "Since Kovu has proven himself and loves Kiara with all his heart, mind and soul, Nala and I have decided that the time is right for Kiara and Kovu to get married."
After that last word, the platform erupted in tremendous cheers. Kiara and Kovu were overjoyed at the wonderful news.

"Oh my gosh! Daddy thank you! Thank you so, so much!" Kiara squealed in an exited voice. She embraced her parents and gave them a kiss on each cheek. Then she rushed over to hug and kiss her soon to be husband.
"Oh Kovu you see? I told you things would work out for us!" said Kiara joyously.

Kovu smiled and went over to give his soon to be parents in-law a hug and Kiara did the same with Diana and Burnt Eboney.
"Oh darling heartiest congratulations to you," said Diana happily kissing Kiara. "Congratulations Kiara," said Marisa hugging Kiara in a sisterly way. Vitani did the same and soon Kovu came and joined in followed by Nala and Simba.

After hugs, kisses and hearty congratulations were distributed, the animals came and gathered underneath Pride Rock for the occasion. The last to arrive was Rafiki, he came and hugged Kiara and Kovu and the lionesses gathered in a circle around the soon to be married couple. There was silence as Rafiki stepped up to them.

"Friends, family and onlookers, we gather today to celebrate and witness the union and forever bonding of Kiara and Kovu. This young couple has encountered many ups and downs, many obstacles and distractions, many hate and injustice and many temptations. On one paw Kiara has been living the life of a princess and Kovu has been living the life of a pawn for a dictator. Kiara and Kovu did not have much in common when their paths crossed many years later but they eventually found love,"

Rafiki paused for a moment and Kovu and Kiara glanced at each other and they both winked at the other.
"So today we are all witnesses to this auspicious moment," said Rafiki. He took two passion fruits and threw them up in the air Kiara jumped and caught one in her mouth, but Kovu was not so fortunate. He yawned widely and at the same time the passion fruit fell down his throat.

Like the first time a passion fruit fell down his throat, Kovu struggled to swallow it but it was useless. Vitani and Marisa started to laugh as they saw what a fuss their brother made. Kiara giggled and kissed Kovu on his cheek, he swallowed the passion fruit and sighed.
"Thanks, I needed that," Kovu said with a chuckle. Vitani looked at him and smirked.

"You're an outlander soldier, trained in the art of war and you struggled to swallow a passion fruit," she said with a snicker.
"Shut up Vitani," Kovu scoffed.
Vitani rolled her eyes and the wedding resumed.

"And now for the vows," said Rafiki.
"Do you Kovu, take Kiara to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour her and keep her all the days of your life?"
"I do," Kovu said in a determined voice.

"Do you Kiara, take Kovu to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live? Do you promise to love her, comfort her honour her and keep her all the days of your life?" asked Rafiki.
"I do," said Kiara just as determined as Kovu.

Rafiki then broke open a fruit and smeared its juice over first Kovu's head then Kiara's head and stepped back. Suddenly a gust of wind blew and petals and grass flew around to indicate the presence of the Great Kings of the Past. Everyone bowed to the ground as the familiar wind of Mufasa circulated Kiara and her mate.

Then it stopped almost instantly. Rafiki picked up his staff and motioned for the young couple to walk to the peak of Pride Rock. They looked back and saw their family looking at them with encouraging smiles. They nodded and turned to walk the peak of Pride Rock. Kovu smiled at Kiara and she smiled back.
"This is it Kiara, are you ready to start the next chapter of our lives?" Kovu asked her.
"I'm ready when you are my love," Kiara replied.

Kovu then took a moment to lovingly nuzzle Kiara on her face. She nuzzled him back and the couple turned to face forward once more. Kovu then roared as loud as he could. When he was done he winked at Kiara and she too roared, then they both roared in unison. They walked back to Rafiki and turned to face their family.
"And now everyone I give you your newly weds,  Princess Kiara and her new husband Prince Kovu!" There was an extremely loud cheer as the future rulers of the Pride Lands were presented.

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