Juyeon/Hyunjun (TBZ)

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an: this is a request for @princehyunjoonstar I hope you like it!!

Lee Juyeon is perfect in every way. Hyunjun isn't jealous of how perfect Juyeon is. In fact it's quite the opposite. He's so enthralled by how amazing Juyeon is. Hyunjun has admired Juyeon since he first came to college. The way Juyeon dances so effortlessly, the way Juyeon is so easily himself, the way Juyeon smiles, the way Juyeon is so willing to help others. Hyunjun has always admired Juyeon. Hyunjun has had a crush on him as long as he's admired the older. However, after years of pining after the older, Hyunjun has basically given up all hope that Juyeon would ever notice him.

Hyunjun sighs and swirls his straw in his milkshake while looking out the cafe window, the snow falling peacefully to the ground outside brings a small smile to Hyunjun. Hyunjun sighs and pulls his phone out wondering just where the hell his friends are. Hyunjun looks over at the cafe entrance as a group of five boys walk inside the cafe and up to the counter to order their drinks. Hyunjun sighs and shakes his head at the sight of them arguing over who would be paying. Hyunjun walks over and pulls out his card. He slides it into the machine before taking his card out and walking back to his seat, his friends following behind him.

"Thanks Hyunjun," Kevin beams at Hyunjun as they all sit down at the table that Hyunjun is sitting at.

"I think I would have gotten a bigger headache if I had to hear you five bicker any longer," Hyunjun takes a sip of his milkshake, the group blushing from embarrassment.

"We're sorry we're late. Professor Lee kept us longer than expected," Haknyeon smiles at Hyunjun, the younger returning the smile.

"It's okay! It's not your fault that the professor always runs over," Hyunjun shrugs his shoulders before looking out the window, "I have to start staying later for practice for my dance recital. We're doing a group dance and then some of us are having solos. My solo is right after Juyeon's," Hyunjun rubs his temples and sighs softly, "How the hell am I supposed to follow up Lee Juyeon?"

"You put too much stock in that guy," Sunwoo shrugs and leans into his boyfriend, "You're amazing Hyunjun. You don't need to be so hard on yourself. Sure Juyeon is good, but so are you. You two are very different in styles. You're both just as amazing okay? So stop putting yourself down."

"Sunwoo," Hyunjun pinches the bridge of his nose, "I'm not putting myself down. I'm being gay."

"Huh?" Sunwoo tilts his head confused, Haknyeon and Eric laughing at Sunwoo's confusion.

"Baby," Jacob grabs Sunwoo's hand and intertwines their fingers, "Hyunjun has a crush on Juyeon."

"Yeah, but I've given up on there ever being anything between us," Hyunjun shrugs and looks over as the barista calls out their order number.

"What why?" Kevin looks over at Hyunjun as Jacob and Sunwoo stand up to get the drinks for everyone, Hyunjun leaning against the window and pulling his phone out.

"Come on Kev. He's mister popular! He has everyone at his feet and begging to be with him. I'm a junior dancer who is basically an insignificant blimp on his radar. Yeah he knows my name and we talk occasionally, but never once has he shown any kind of interest in getting to know me or wanting to be more than friends. I have a better chance at getting with Jacob and Sunwoo than I do with Juyeon," Hyunjun rolls his eyes and sips his milkshake as Sunwoo and Jacob sit back down and hand everyone their drinks, Sunwoo sliding a lemonade to Hyunjun.

"I'm sure if you asked, they'd be one hundred percent okay with you joining their relationship," Eric rolls his eyes and stirs his mango smoothie with a straw.

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