Juyeon/Eric (The Boyz)

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AN: This has recreational marijuana usage !! If you don't like that then please skip over this !!

Number 11. Juyeon's jersey number. Ever since Juyeon joined his college's football team and got the number 11 he's considered it his lucky number. Juyeon is forever grateful for the ability to play football in college. Football was his second favorite activity, dance being his first. Juyeon is a dance major who is lucky that his dance schedules usually don't interfere with his football schedule. Juyeon is one of the most popular students at his school, not only for him being a star football player, but for his dance as well, with the added bonus of being the younger brother of the school's best quarterback, Sangyeon. Juyeon isn't upset that people often see him as Sangyeon's younger brother, it often makes him happy to see that his brother was looked up at by more than just himself. He's just glad that he has friends that don't just see him as the star football player and dancer.

Eric doesn't have a lucky number. Eric isn't a part of any fun extracurricular activities that the college offers. He stays up late drinking energy drinks and working on music with his best friend Sunwoo. Eric spends too much money getting tattoos and piercings. He'd rather spend time with his friends and having fun than participating in stupid school functions that would no doubt draw attention to him. Eric knew there was a small percentage of the school who knew Eric was, but he preferred to stay out of the limelight, unlike Lee Juyeon. Eric doesn't hate Juyeon at all. He actually finds the older male mildly interesting. Eric just can't stand how much Juyeon pretends to be unaffected by everyone's words. Eric can see the light in Juyeon's eyes diminish the moment someone mentions Sangyeon around him. Eric just wants to grab Juyeon's shoulders and shake some sense into him, but alas. Juyeon has no idea who Eric is.

"Eric what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Jacob, Eric's oldest friend, looks over at the brunette.

"Your boyfriend's brother," Eric grabs Kevin's lighter and the crystal pipe from Haknyeon, "Why do you ask?"

"Why are you thinking about Juyeon again?" Sunwoo smirks over at Eric, before taking the pen from Kevin and taking a hit.

Eric rolls his eyes and puts the pipe to his lips, starts the lighter before putting the flame to the bowl and inhaling. Eric holds the smoke in as he hands the pipe and lighter to Jacob before laying back on the grass and exhaling, "I love Sangyeon, I do. He's a great guy and he deserves the praise and attention he gets, but Juyeon isn't Sangyeon. Juyeon is his own person, and I just fucking wish Juyeon would yell at people for comparing him to Sangyeon."

"Why are you so worried about someone who doesn't even know who you are?" Chanhee crawls over to Eric and smirks.

"Because Eric has that need to make the good boys bad. Look what he did to our poor little angel Haknyeon," Kevin smirks and grabs the pipe from Jacob who exhales and coughs, "No one brought water?"

"First of all," Haknyeon crawls over to Kevin and sits in his lap, "You were the one who had me take my first hit. You were also the one who went with me to get my first piercing and tattoo. So if anyone is a bad influence Kevin darling, it's you. Now hurry up so I can shotgun."

"Does Sangyeon know you smoke Jacob?" Eric looks over at Jacob as he lifts his shirt to wipe spit off of his lip, "Chanhee are you shotgunning off of me or are you taking the pen first?"

"I'm taking the pen first," Chanhee grabs the pen from Sunwoo, Sunwoo coughing while exhaling before leaning into Jacob.

"He knows. He was going to come tonight, but Hyunjae and Juyeon drug him out for dinner," Jacob rubs Sunwoo's back, the younger giggling and cuddling into him, "You okay there Sunwoo?"

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