Sejun/Byungchan (Victon)

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The cold autumn air that nips at his skin whenever someone opens the door and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. That's how Byungchan knows he's home. The tall owner of Wonderland cafe is loved by many; the staff, the regulars, the puppies that stop outside waiting for a home baked treat. Byungchan is known as the tall boy with fluffy hair and even fluffier sweaters. Byungchan is always overjoyed to come into work and spend time with his staff and the regulars. Wonderland cafe is small, but it's always busy. Byungchan's best friend and younger half brother, Subin, is in charge of pastries with the help of their friend Seungsik. Byungchan's other best friend, Hanse, is the main barista. They're a small close knit family, but Byungchan wouldn't have it any other way.

Byungchan's regulars are just the icing on the cake of why he loves his job. Between the lovely elderly women who come in just before their morning stroll in the park and the breathtaking owner of the tattoo shop that's next door to Wonderland cafe. The blue haired owner with face piercings and tattoos covering his arms always smells of vanilla and lavender with undertones of patchouli. Hanse and Seungsik would always tease Byungchan about the heart eyes that the two give each other despite only talking when he comes in. Byungchan is always so awestruck by how gorgeous the other man is. He's tall, but not as tall as Byungchan. He's built, Byungchan observing the way his muscles flex and strain when he's helped Seungsik with their delivery truck. And god, his hair. It's fluffy and blue and Byungchan wants to run his fingers through it. Byungchan doesn't mean to daydream about the tattoo owner and he doesn't realize he's staring off into space until Hanse bumps into Byungchan, the taller male smacking his forehead on the counter.

"JESUS HANSE!" Byungchan cries out and holds his forehead in pain as Hanse laughs and grabs a cup to make a latte, "You could have found a better way!"

"Hyung," Subin looks over at Byungchan from the back, "Hanse has been trying to get your attention for three minutes straight."

"You're joking," Byungchan's face now matches the velvet pink choker Hanse is wearing.

"Were you daydreaming about your lover boy?" Hanse smirks as he hands Byungchan a cup with the order on it, Byungchan starting the macchiato.

"Not every time that I lose focus and stare off into space is because I'm thinking about him," Byungchan rolls his eyes as he fixes his deep blue sweater before going back to the coffee.

"A good percentage of the time it is," Seungsik leans against the doorframe that connects the room with the ovens in the back to the front of the cafe.

"Not you too," Byungchan groans and puts the lid of the cup on before writing a cute message on the side and handing the older woman her coffee with a big grin.

"Hey Byungchan!" a voice that Byungchan would describe as honey calls over the bells from the front door closing.

Hanse smirks over at Byungchan with a knowing look as he walks away from the cash register. Byungchan smiles at the male before noticing a new piercing underneath his eye. Byungchan instantly knew it as the anti eyebrow piercing.

"You got a new piercing," Byungchan smiles, the blue haired male smiling back, "Do you want your usual?"

"Yeah I did! Do you like it?" the male bites at his lip piercing, "Yeah just the usual please," the male leans over and pinches Byungchan's cheek.

"Sejun!" Byungchan whines as he punches in the order and grabs a cup, "You know your total."

"As always pumpkin," Sejun winks and slides his card into the machine as Byungchan starts on Sejun's coffee, "We got a new piercer in finally."

"Tell me about them," Byungchan bites at his lip as he starts with the espresso.

"He's huge. He's taller than you and Seungwoo. His name is Wooseok and he's super down to earth. He specializes with people who have anxiety about getting piercings, so if you ever finally decide to get a piercing you should go to him," Sejun smirks at Byungchan who rolls his eyes as he works on Sejun's coffee.

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