Yuto/Jinho (PTG)

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Yuto's new job brings him a lot of news. New happiness, new friends, new stresses, and new things to worry about. One of those new worries he has belongs to a 168 centimeter male who just so happens to be his boss. His boss is small but fierce. Yuto has only worked at the office as junior designer for about three weeks and he has managed to see his boss yell at five employees, one of them being Shinwon, the senior designer. Yuto was beyond nervous to mess up and get yelled at by the older male despite being 185 centimeters tall and 17 centimeters taller than his boss. Yuto does everything he can to make sure he's on his boss's good side. The small boss man that has Yuto's head reeling? Jo Jinho.

Jo Jinho is the owner and CEO of a small but pretty successful magazine called Universe. Jinho has under twenty employees working for him at the moment, most of the employees here being soulmates. Jinho's best friend Hwitaek had brought his soulmate who had brought his best friend and their soulmate, thus starting a collection of couples as employees. Jinho really couldn't say no with how much he needed people on top of their amazing credentials. Jinho was never upset that they were openly affectionate on the floor. It in fact made him happy that his employees were happy enough to show affection in the office. Jinho does his best to make sure that his employees are all happy and comfortable with the office atmosphere. Which is why when Yuto comes in, Jinho asks Yuto his favorite drink and snack options to put in the break room for him. Jinho remembers commenting on the light blush that spreads across Yuto's cheeks at the question only for Wooseok to barge in and steal his best friend from Jinho's office.

It's been three weeks since the start of Yuto's new job and he thinks he's doing quite nice to fit in with everyone else, some of the senior employees tease him for the way Jinho treats him, Wooseok and Hyunggu even joining in on the teasing. Yuto wouldn't think anything of it weren't for the fact that he has JJH on the inside of his left wrist, making him incredibly nervous. Being the newest employee, Yuto knew he would have to just sit and take it from them, especially Hwitaek and Hongseok. Speak of the devils themselves.

Yuto taps his pencil against the desk as Hongseok and Hwitaek roll their chairs over to Yuto's desk, Shinwon turns towards the Japanese native with a smirk. Yuto grumbles and slinks into his chair as Hwitaek and Hongseok smirk at Yuto.

"Can I help you?" Yuto looks over at the three older males who grin, "What do you three idiots want?"

"Rumor has it you have a meeting with boss man later," Hongseok smirks as Shinwon and Hwitaek giggle to themselves, Yuto pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He does not treat me any differently!" Yuto groans out, Hongseok tsking at Yuto's response.

"On the contrary my dear Yuto. You're the only new employee who he hasn't yelled at within a week of being here," Shinwon smirks at Yuto, Hwitaek and Hongseok nodding.

"I've been his best friend for years and he still yells at me. Hongseok and Shinwon have been here since the start of the magazine basically and they still get yelled at. You've been here for almost a month and he has yet to yell at you even after you missed that deadline a week and a half ago. Wooseok missed a deadline by two minutes and he was in Jinho's office getting ripped a new asshole. I'm telling you. There's something about you that he likes," Hwitaek leans back in his chair as he shrugs.

"It's probably because I'm younger and not Korean," Yuto shrugs and looks over the rough page layout design sketch he has and huffs slightly.

"Yanan is younger than Jinho and he's Chinese. It's cause you're hot," Shinwon smirks and throws a tiny ball of paper at Yuto's forehead.

"Fuck you Shinwon!" Yuto throws the paper back at Shinwon who laughs and looks over at Hyunggu who now sits on Shinwon's desk.

"Been there, done that," Hyunggu looks over his deep blue painted nails before looking over at Yuto, "Jinho totally has the hots for you."

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