HanSik (Victon)

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Seungsik just wanted to get a cat. Seungsik just wanted to have a normal pet to hold at night while the rest of his friends scrambled around and didn't fall asleep until the most ungodly hour. Seungsik had told Seungwoo about his wants and of course, Seungwoo being the absolute doll he is, takes it upon himself to help Seungsik find a kitten. Seungsik knew by letting Seungwoo help him find a kitten, it would be a disastrous mess. Seungsik should have known that something was up when Seungwoo had said he found a kitten for Seungsik but couldn't send pictures. Seungsik had quickly hurried home after work just wanting to hopefully hold the kitten in his arms and take a nap.

"Seungwoo?" Seungsik calls out, not seeing anyone in the house, "Sejun? Byungchan?" Seungsik drops his bag off by the couch and tilts his head seeing Subin and Chan's phones, "They're home. Why isn't anyone responding to me?" Seungsik frowns and begins cleaning off the coffee table.

"Hey hyung!" Subin walks out of the bathroom before halting in his steps, "You're home!"

"Yeah. It's my time to be home. Am I not supposed to be home?" Seungsik tilts his head in confusion before he puts the dishes in the sink and groans, "CHOI BYUNGCHAN!"

Seungsik leans against the counter as Byungchan runs into the kitchen. He looks at the sink with a sheepish smile before shrugging.

"It's your day to do dishes Byungchan," Seungsik rubs his temples before getting the dishes out and organizing them, "But it's fine. I got it. Just have Seungwoo order food or something," Seungsik takes his lanyard and ID badges off as he fills the sink up with soap and water.

"Seungsik! I can do it!" Byungchan pouts as he sits up on the counter next to Seungsik.

"It's fine. There really aren't that many dishes to do," Seungsik smiles up at Byungchan before starting to do the dishes.

"I'll dry them and put them away once you're done then so you can go take a nap," Byungchan smiles at Seungsik who nods his head as he continues to wash the dishes.

Seungsik quietly hums a song and sways slightly while he continues to wash the dishes. Seungsik turns the faucet on to rinse the dishes in the sink. Seungsik continues to hum while rinsing some of the dishes off and putting them in the dish rack. Seungsik goes back and finishes washing the rest of the dishes, pausing his humming to yawn. Byungchan smiles over at Seungsik who finishes off the dishes then begins to rinse them. He pulls the plug in the other sink before setting the dishes in the dish rack. Byungchan jumps off the counter and grabs a towel as Seungsik grabs his ID and lanyard. He walks to the living room to grab his bag before he walks down the hallway to his room. Seungsik looks over at Sejun's room to see Sejun and Chan passed out on Sejun's bed, the older shaking his head before he walks into his room. Seungsik sets his bag down and jumps slightly when he sees Seungwoo on his bed.

"Hi hyung," Seungsik rubs his eyes tiredly as he sets his lanyard and ID down on his dresser.

"Hi! Want to meet your kitten?" Seungwoo smiles brightly up at Seungsik who tilts his head and nods as Seungwoo stands up from the bed.

Seungsik's breath gets caught in his throat at the sight of a black haired male with tattoos. His nose and lip are adorned with piercings. Seungsik can just barely make out the black ears sticking out at the top of the male's head.

"Seungwoo, why is there a cat boy in my bed?" Seungsik pushes his fingers against the pressure point on his neck to check his pulse.

"I told you I was going to find you a kitten! Look! I found one!" Seungwoo smiles brightly at the cat boy who tilts his head at Seungsik, "His name is Hanse."

"Hanse," Seungsik nods his head before he pulls out clothes from his dresser, "Well Hanse, I need to change out of my scrubs before I come and sit with you. I will be right back," Seungsik smiles at the two before heading into the bathroom connected to his bedroom, "I'm going to choke out Seungwoo," Seungsik mumbles as he strips himself of his clothes, "So not only is he a cat, he's cute as hell too? This is unfair," Seungsik grumbles before he slips a tank top and basketball shorts on.

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