Eric/Sunwoo (TBZ)

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an: just here to put the pronouns for everyone !! also the legitimate title i had for this story is the het at foot locker just because i thought it was funny.

sunwoo: (he/him)

eric: (he/him)

kevin: (he/they)

jacob: (he/him)

sangyeon: (he/they)

juyeon: (kit/he)

younghoon: (bun/he)

chanhee: (they/them)

haknyeon: (he/they)

hyunjun: (vamp/he)

changmin: (pup/he)

hyunjae: (he/him)

Eight a.m. The time that Eric is getting Spencer's ready for the mall's opening hour at nine. Eric loves the store and he loves all of the customers that flood through the store. Eric knew Jacob, his best friend, and assistant manager is over at Hot Topic helping his boyfriend set up Hot Topic and would be over once he's finished. Eric really loves his job, he just can't stand the looks the stupid cis and hetero males give the store. Yes, Spencer's sells sex toys, but for fucks sake, the idiots act as if they've never seen a penis before. Eric doesn't mind having to sell and stock the toys and stuff in the back, but that could be because he's gay. He just doesn't understand why cis and hetero men think it's either the funniest or the weirdest thing for a store in the mall to sell something like that. Eric's only met one cishet male that has never once made faces at the store, including when he walks in to pester Eric. That stupid idiot and his stupid referee shirt uniform. Kim Sunwoo.

Sunwoo is the manager at the Foot Locker that's a couple of stores away from Spencer's. Eric and Sunwoo started working at the mall around the same time, both of them quickly working their way up to the manager position at their respective stores. Eric and Sunwoo weren't close enough to hang out after work, but they were close enough to sometimes spend lunches and breaks with each other. Eric of course thinks Sunwoo is the most gorgeous human alive, but to Eric's luck, Sunwoo is straight. Sunwoo often bothers Eric once he's done with setting up Foot Locker with his assistant manager Hyunjae, but Eric is hoping that Sunwoo will stay at his store and not come over to Spencer's. It's not that Eric didn't want to see Sunwoo, it's more just Eric has a long ass day ahead of him and he wants to prepare himself for the two interviews he has to do today along with dealing with Sangyeon and Hyunjun who will more than likely come in at any random time. However it seems that Eric cannot be gifted with such luck because as soon as Eric stands up from getting the interview paperwork, there's Sunwoo and his white and black striped shirt.

"Hi Eric!" Sunwoo beams at Eric as he leans against the checkout counter, "Ooo I like your shirt! Where did you get it?"

"Hey Sunwoo," Eric clips the papers to the clipboard before finally looking up at Sunwoo, "I got it at Hot Topic. It was fifty percent off."

"Too bad it's not one hundred percent off," Sunwoo smirks at Eric who just looks at his clipboard confused.

"I mean Kevin could have given it to me for free," Eric shrugs and looks over the folders for both the interviewees, "Jacob better hurry up," Eric mumbles as he slips his lanyard covered in pins over his neck.

"Oh do you have interviews to do today?" Sunwoo looks over the magnets that are slapped onto the display cases.

"Yeah. I have two and one is supposed to be here at nine fifteen. When are you taking lunch?" Eric grabs a weed pin and sticks it to Sunwoo's shirt.

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