MoonBae (The Boyz)

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Jacob had made the executive decision to move to South Korea with his foreign exchange roommate Younghoon. Younghoon and Jacob had both finished college and now Jacob had no idea what to do with his time. So, Jacob being the responsible business major he is, decides to open a twenty-four hour cereal and internet cafe. Jacob loves cereal and he also loves providing people with a place to study or just to use the internet if they aren't able to. Jacob knew by opening the cafe he would have a large population of college students that would flood his cafe. Today wasn't any different than other days.

Jacob came into work that night like normal to see some of the normal teens chatting with Younghoon's boyfriend, Chanhee. Jacob walks into the back to set his things down and yelps when he sees Younghoon sitting on the chair.

"Christ Younghoon! Scare the hell out of me why don't you," Jacob glares at his friend who shrugs and smirks, "You're the absolute worst," Jacob hangs up his hoodie and runs a hand through his hair.

"Thanks. I'm here all week," Younghoon snorts and runs a finger through his silver hair and poking at his nose piercing, "It still hurts."

"It's going to hurt you dork," Jacob walks over and looks at his nose, "It's healing up really good though," Jacob lifts his lip to show his piercing, "Never get your smiley done Kim Younghoon," Jacob shakes his head.

"Yeah I know. I saw how bad you cringed when it got pierced. How long did your nose piercing take to heal?" Younghoon looks over at Jacob as he fixes his hoop, "It's been three weeks already," Younghoon whines as he looks up at Jacob.

"It took my nose about four months," Jacob laughs and slips on his apron over his yellow jumper, the apron reaching the knees of his jeans, "You're going to have to deal with it Younghoon," Jacob laughs and looks up to see Chanhee leaning against the door frame, "Hey Chanhee. How was today?"

"Pretty mellow. Sunwoo and Eric came in to cry about their essays they have due soon. They asked me to give this to you," Chanhee hands Jacob a small decorative box.

"Oh please tell me this is not what I think it is," Jacob mumbles before opening the box and groaning loudly, "I'm gonna beat their asses," Jacob pulls out the metal spoon with engravings on it, "I really am going to kill them."

"You love them," Chanhee turns his phone off of bluetooth making the music stop.

"Yeah yeah," Jacob pushes his glasses up and looks back at Chanhee and Younghoon, "Make sure he doesn't try taking it out," Jacob shakes his head as he connects his phone to the bluetooth speakers, "You guys go ahead and leave. I know it's date night. I can handle inventory."

"I love you! Remember Jaehyun is on duty tomorrow," Chanhee kisses Jacob's cheek before dragging Younghoon out of the cafe happily.

"Oh dear god. Hyunjae," Jacob looks around the break room mortified, "He's going to scream. I just know it. Either that or Juyeon's gonna show up," Jacob mumbles and turns on a random playlist before walking out to the containers to see which ones need filled.

Jacob hums and grabs his clipboard from the front counter before clicking his pen in thought. It was seven at night and Hyunjae wouldn't be there until ten am the next day. Jacob sighs softly as he walks around to the cereal dispensers and marks which ones will need filled. Jacob solemnly taps the corn flakes seeing that no one had taken any.

"I need to replace these so they don't go stale. I should talk to Hyunjae about maybe changing this out with a different cereal," Jacob mumbles and quickly writes a note down on his clipboard.

Jacob continues to walk around the giant cafe when he feels arms wrap around his waist. Jacob yelps and turns around to glare at the person only to come face to face with Eric.

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