Sejun x Byungchan (Victon)

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"Sejunnie hyung! Hanse hyung and I are eating lunch at Seungsik hyung's house! Are you coming?" Subin bounces around Sejun happily as the flower in his hair glows lightly.

"Of course I'm coming. I'm best friends with Hanse and Seungsik. Is Seungwoo and them coming also?" Sejun asks running a hand through his deep blue hair.

"Mmhm! Byungchan hyung is coming!" Subin wiggles his eyebrows as he looks at Sejun who rolls his eyes.

"Why would I care about him coming?" Sejun blushes lightly before shaking his head.

"Because you're gay and he's cute," Hanse snorts coming from nowhere as he wraps his arm around Subin's shoulder.

"By that means you would have a crush on Subin and Subin would have a crush on you," Sejun smirks over at the elf who screams.

"ME?! HAVE A CRUSH ON SUBIN?! SEJUN YOU'RE OFF YOUR ROCKER! You know that Subin is like my little brother!" Hanse smacks Sejun's shoulder making the incubus snort and shrugs his shoulders.

"No offence, but I have a crush on someone else," Subin blushes as he looks at Hanse.

"You mean that fire breathing mess?" Hanse looks over at Subin and smirks.

"YEONJUN IS A DRAGON HYBRID YOU RUDE BITCH!" Subin smacks Hanse's arm as Hanse laughs loudly while Sejun rolls his eyes.

"Why am I friends with you?" Sejun looks back at the two friends before tripping and falling over someone's foot.

A small giggle comes from above the incubus before a hand juts out in front of Sejun's face. Sejun looks up to see the blonde haired goblin who wiggles his nose and giggles. Sejun takes the male's hand and stands up with the goblin's help.

"Chan you're the absolute worst," Sejun rolls his eyes as Chan shrugs.

"Why are the babies fighting?" Chan looks at the two males laughing and throwing jokes at each other.

"Subin has a crush on someone that is a dragon hybrid and Hanse called him a fire breathing mess," Sejun rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Sounds like them," Chan shakes his head and looks back at Hanse.

"You still like him?" Sejun smirks as they walk the halls of their college.

"Shut up," Chan blushes and holds his foot making Sejun trip again.

"HEO CHAN!" Sejun screams before standing up and chasing after the male.

Hanse and Subin look over and giggle as they run after them. The group of four walk out of the college and towards Seungsik's apartment building. Subin and Hanse shake their heads before they walk inside of Seungsik's building.

"So any plans on trying to woo Heo Chan?" Subin smirks over at Hanse who blushes and smacks Subin's arm, "IT WAS JUST A QUESTION!"

"Have any plans on wooing the fire hazard?" Hanse grins at Subin who screeches and smacks Hanse's arm.

"WILL YOU STOP BEING MEAN TO YEONJUN?!" Subin screeches and waves at Seungsik who stands in the doorway of his apartment, "Hi hyung!"

"I don't think Japan heard you. Wanna scream louder?" Seungsik shakes his head before slapping a hand over Subin's mouth when he goes to scream, "How do you handle them?" Seungsik looks over at Sejun who shrugs and scratches at the base of his horns.

"Seungsik, babe, are they here?" Seungwoo comes up behind Seungsik and wraps his arms around Seungsik's waist while smiling.

"Yeah. Just trying to get Subin to be quiet," Seungsik chuckles and lets them inside.

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