Jacob/St.Van (VAV)

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an: while the story isn't about cheating, jacob getting cheated on by his ex is a major part of the story but i promise it's happy !! it's only the first like 1,500 words about jacob being sad but other than that it's really cute !! i hope you enjoy

Jacob was fucked. Correction. Jacob is fucked. Who let him come to a bar today? Why was he even at the bar? As Jacob downs another shot his mind wanders to earlier that day when he had come home from work. His girlfriend's clothes strewn about the apartment alongside another man's clothes. Jacob had walked into their room, his girlfriend, well now ex, was already sat on the bed with a bag of Jacob's things. She told him that she no longer loved Jacob and that he needed to find somewhere else to live. Two years down the drain. All for her boss. Jacob had done the first thing he could think of to get his mind off of what just happened which meant he was going to the bar to get drunk. Which he is. So unbelievably drunk and he can't call an uber because he has nowhere to go. So once Jacob is thoroughly sloshed, he shakily scrolls through his phone contacts. He couldn't call Heejun and his boyfriends because they were visiting Japan. His mom was still in China and he wasn't going to call his ex-boyfriend. So he calls the only person he can think of.

"Jacob?" Geumhyuk's voice immediately soothes Jacob's nerves, "Are you there?"

"Geumhyuk? Where are you?" Jacob's words slur together, his head throbbing with pain from crying mixed with the amount of alcohol he drank.

"I'm at home. Are you drunk?" the sound of keys jangling sounds through Jacob's phone.

"Maybe. Can't call Heejun. Need picked up please Hyukkie," Jacob walks out of the bar with his bag and stumbles to the bench that's outside.

"What bar are you at? I'm on my way," Geumhyuk hums through the phone.

"Poison. I'm outside. Too stuffy in there," Jacob sniffles and hiccups from his previous crying sessions before feeling the tears already welling up in his eyes as the thought of his ex fills his brain.

"Stay right there okay? I have to hang up so I can pay attention to the road, but stay there Zhang Peng," Geumhyuk huffs, Jacob hiccuping and humming in response, "I'll be there in like two minutes. Be safe please."

"I'll try," Jacob sniffles before he hangs up and slides his phone in his pocket.

Jacob looks around as cars pass by him, several people whistling out the window at him which just makes Jacob shrink further into the bench. He picks at the holes in his jeans then pulls his bag closer to him when people walk out of the bar. Jacob closes his eyes for a second then immediately opens them when the image of his ex-girlfriend laid in bed next to her boss shows up. Jacob wipes his eyes as the tears threaten to spill again, the buzzing in his head only getting worse the more he thought about her. Jacob sniffles as he looks over at the car that pulls up next to the curb where Jacob is located. Jacob looks up at the car and wipes his eyes with a slight smile. Jacob shuffles over to Geumhyuk's car while clutching his bag.

"Hyuk! Hi!" Jacob's face is flushed from the amount of alcohol he consumed, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Jacob. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying," Geumhyuk gets out of his car before walking to the passenger side and opening the door for Jacob.

Jacob, with the help of Geumhyuk, situates himself in Geumhyuk's passenger seat. Geumhyuk gets back into the driver's seat before looking over at Jacob then starts his car. Geumhyuk starts to drive towards Jacob's apartment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call. My," Jacob grips at his jeans as tears fall down his cheeks, "My girlfriend cheated on me with her boss and then kicked me out. She said she'd pack my shit and give it to me later. I don't have anywhere to stay. I don't know what to do," Jacob's body shakes as he sobs fully now.

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