Sunwoo/Eric (TBZ)

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an: this is a request for @softwonnies. this fic is angst and has themes of cheating and break ups so if that's a triggering subject than please skip this one !!

Eric is coming home later than usual. It's not his boss's fault that the marketing reports were late. Eric just wanted to go home to his boyfriend, Sunwoo. He had messaged Sunwoo that he would be home late and might not be home until ten that night, four hours after his usual time for being home. Luckily his boss had bought him dinner so he wouldn't need to eat by the time he got home. As Eric unlocks the door, the muscles in his body immediately tense up. There's a perfume that Eric doesn't recognize lingering in the air. Eric slips his shoes off and loosens up his tie looking around for any sign of his boyfriend. Eric walks towards their bedroom, the overwhelming stench of the perfume only getting stronger the closer he gets to their bedroom. Eric opens the door, his body relaxing slightly at the sight of Sunwoo at the computer with headphones on wearing nothing but one of Eric's t-shirts. Eric leans against the doorframe, Sunwoo turning around in the chair with a small smile.

"Hi baby. How was work?" Sunwoo slips the headphones off his head and looks over at Eric who starts taking his work clothes off.

"Long. Tiring. I'm glad I'm home with you though," Eric cracks his neck before taking his dirty clothes to the hamper.

Eric tilts his head at the sight of a piece of lacy fabric that he's never seen before. Eric grabs them and holds them up before turning to Sunwoo.

"Whose are these?" Eric looks over at Sunwoo, his face paling slightly at the sight of the fabric.

"Th-They're mine," Sunwoo looks down at his legs, "I wanted to see if I liked them. They're really pretty."

"Why didn't you tell me baby? I would have bought some for you," Eric puts his clothes and the panties back into the laundry hamper, Eric grabbing some sweats from the closet and putting those on.

"I was nervous," Sunwoo bites at his lip then turns the computer off, "Do you want to cuddle?"

"Of course I do," Eric lays down on their bed, Sunwoo crawling onto the bed and laying next to Eric, "What did you do for dinner love?"

"Chanhee came over and bought me food. We hung out for a bit until he went home about an hour ago. He misses hanging out with you too," Sunwoo traces the tattoos on Eric's shirtless chest, "Why do you have to work so much all the time now?"

"Baby you know that I can't help that. I can't make the marketing teams work faster so I can do the reports faster," Eric frowns and runs his hand through Sunwoo's dark brown hair, "Is Chanhee the reason the perfume smell is so strong?"

"Probably. He got a new perfume and wanted to show it to me," Sunwoo looks up at Eric, "I know you can't help it. I just miss you Eric. I miss you so much. You're never home anymore."

"I know I'm not Sunwoo. I know. And it kills me that I can't come home and have dinner with you. It kills me that I can't come home at a decent hour and watch dramas like we used to. I'm trying my hardest Sunwoo," Eric sighs and looks up at the ceiling, "You and Chanhee have been spending a lot of time together recently."

"Yeah. Why does that matter? Are you jealous?" Sunwoo scoffs and rolls his eyes at the look Eric gives him, "What?"

"So what if I am jealous Sunwoo? He gets to see my own boyfriend more than I do. You know how much that hurts? I have to sit at work with the knowledge that one of my best friends gets to spend more time with the love of my life more than I get to. I hate not being able to see you Sunwoo," Eric pinches the bridge of his nose in hope that it will prevent the impending headache.

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