2Ggu (Pentagon)

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Hyunggu's neighboring apartment has been vacant for four months. Today, however, Hyunggu saw moving boxes stacked in front of the apartment. So what does Hyunggu do at the prospect of finally having a neighbor? He bakes. He bakes a lot of cookies, cupcakes too, but those would be for Hongseok, Yanan, Jinho, Sejun, and himself when they come over for their weekly game night tomorrow. When Hyunggu's third batch of cookies come out of the oven, he finally hears a mix of voices coming from the wall that connects Hyunggu's apartment to the neighboring apartment. Hyunggu hums softly and begins to bag up the second batch of cookies before looking over himself in the mirror. He quickly fixes his lilac dyed hair before fixing his sweater then nodding to himself in the mirror. He grabs the bag of cookies after turning the oven off and walks over to his front door. He puffs his cheeks out in nervousness before slipping a pair of shoes on. He walks out of his apartment and over to his neighbor's apartment before shyly knocking on the neighbor's door.

"Shinwon, for the love of god I said I would get the box tomorrow," the door opens, Hyunggu coming face to face with his neighbor who is wearing a tank top, his arms on display, "Oh! Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What can I help you with?" the male with bleach blonde hair tilts his head slightly at Hyunggu.

"Uhm, I'm your neighbor! I thought I would come introduce myself and give you these!" Hyunggu holds out the bag of sugar cookies while smiling, "I didn't want to do chocolate chips in case you didn't like chocolate, but I have some if you'd like them! Oh god I'm rambling I'm sorry," Hyunggu blushes as the other male smiles brightly at Hyunggu.

"I love sugar cookies! I'm Changgu by the way," the muscular god, who Hyunggu now knows as Changgu, grins at him.

"I'm Hyunggu! This is kind of weird and very forward of me, but my friends are coming over tomorrow for a game night, so if you're not busy you're invited!" Hyunggu smiles brightly before blushing as Changgu leans against the door frame and takes a bite of a cookie.

"Sadly, I have orientation for my job tomorrow and then my brainless friends are taking me out, but I will pay for some more of these," Changgu winks at Hyunggu as he finishes the cookie, "It's really nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too! I usually bake a lot so, just knock and I'll whip something up for you!" Hyunggu grins as Changgu nods his head, "Well I'll let you settle in! I'm glad you like the cookies!" Hyunggu waves and begins walking to his apartment.

"Have a good night Hyunggu," Changgu nods towards Hyunggu before walking into his apartment.

Hyunggu quickly rushes into his apartment before grabbing his stuffed animal and screaming into its chest. Hyunggu walks to his kitchen to start icing the cupcakes when his front door opens making him scream loudly.

"Jesus, calm down, it's just me," Yanan rolls his eyes as he lays down on Hyunggu's couch, "Why did you bake so much?"

"I got a new neighbor! So I wanted to make cookies, but the first batch came out too thin, and the third batch is for us tomorrow night along with cupcakes. Want to help me ice them?" Hyunggu looks over at Yanan, the mop of colors on his head sticking up from his head being hung over the arm of the couch.

"Do I get at least one of the cupcakes?" Yanan smiles over at Hyunggu who rolls his eyes and nods, "Sweet!" Yanan jumps up and walks over to Hyunggu to help him ice the cupcakes, "So what's your neighbor like?"

"He's cute," Hyunggu blurts and grumbles, "I have no filter sometimes. He seems really sweet. His name is Changgu. I hope we can become friends," Hyunggu sighs happily as he and Yanan begin to ice the cupcakes.

"Is my dear Hyunggu crushing on a boy already?" Yanan asks in shock before putting icing on a cupcake.

"I AM NOT!" Hyunggu screams and flings icing at his kitchen wall making Yanan erupt into a fit of laughter.

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