Mingi/Hongjoong (Ateez)

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It's not that Hongjoong wanted to stay at home with his parents, it's more that his parents wanted him to stay at home. With his father being a part of a big corporation making it so he's hardly home, and his mother working in a different country currently, they need someone at home to look after their plants and animals and to make sure that the house stays clean. Hongjoong doesn't mind staying at his parents house, it's actually nice to not have to worry about bills and his own well being with being alone. Being an elementary school art teacher wasn't the best of pay, but it did make him happy. It also helped that he did commissions outside of school to earn some extra cash. While there are plus sides to being with his parents, there are downsides as well. Such as, when his mother comes home and decides that she wants to commission Hongjoong for twenty small art pieces in cards for her partners and clients, or nights like tonight, where his father brings over his boss and his boss's son. Hongjoong's dad has been doing this since he found out Hongjoong was gay. Neither of Hongjoong's parents minded that he was gay, they were in fact very supportive and even bought and set up small pride trinkets around the house. Well small save for the giant pride flag that's hung behind the couch.

It's not that Hongjoong didn't find his dad's boss's son attractive, there was just no way in hell Hongjoong would ever speak to him. Hongjoong knew that his dad would be home any minute now, his mother frantically running around the kitchen to make sure none of the food was burning. Hongjoong is sat on the couch, paints, copics, markers, and pencils surrounding him on the coffee table as he continues to work on the cards his mother asked him to make.

"Hongjoong, sweetheart, why don't you go clean up for dinner?" Hongjoong's mother smiles at him sweetly to which Hongjoong groans and holds up a half finished card, "I know you hate stopping an art piece in the middle of working on it, but your father is going to be home any minute with Mister Song and his son," his mother smiles at him, Hongjoong rolling his eyes, "You can go back to the art as soon as dinner is finished."

"Fine," Hongjoong sighs and sits the card down on the coffee table, "Make sure that Luna doesn't get up on the coffee table," Hongjoong sighs and walks to his bedroom to get changed.

Hongjoong strips himself of his paint covered sweatpants and black t-shirt before looking over himself in the mirror. He pouts before grinning at the idea for his outfit. He walks over to his dresser and opens the top drawer. Hongjoong groans slightly as he hears the front door open and the sound of three male voices carries through the house. Hongjoong slips the black fishnets on before putting on his purposefully paint splattered jeans, the hole from his mid thigh to his knee showcasing the fishnets. Hongjoong puts on a black and blue striped long sleeved shirt that he tucks into his pants. Hongjoong runs a hand through his strawberry red hair before he walks out of his bedroom.

"He's just getting dressed. He'll be out in a moment," Hongjoong's mother tells the men who are probably at the table waiting for Hongjoong.

"He's been working hard on those cards. I want to get him some new paints," Hongjoong's father hums before he looks over at Hongjoong, "Hey Joongie!"

"Hi dad," Hongjoong walks over and hugs his dad tightly, "How was work?"

"Not bad actually! I missed you and your mom," Hongjoong's father smiles and ruffles Hongjoong's hair, the shorter whining in protest.

"We missed you too! Hongjoong," Hongjoong's mother nods towards Mister Song and his son.

"Hello Mister Song one and two," Hongjoong bows and smiles softly at the quiet giggle that comes from Mister Song's son.

"You don't have to call me Mister Song, Hongjoong," Mister Song's son smiles over at Hongjoong.

"When have I ever called you by your first name?" Hongjoong blushes as they all sit down, Hongjoong sitting next to the taller male.

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