Juyeon/Eric (TBZ)

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an: hi hi !! i just want to say that i'm so so sorry for the absence. i got broken up with and then i had to move so everything has just been kind of a mess. this story isn't exactly the best but i hope you enjoy this !!

He's ethereal. He's so beyond ethereal. His deep navy blue dyed hair, the silver piercings that glint in the sunlight, the toned muscles of his stomach, chest, and arms. Everything about him is gorgeous. They watch him from afar, never ever daring to get close. They were warned from a young age to never get too close to the fishing boats. Humans could be mean and unpredictable, you never knew when they could flip on you. They were known to lure creatures like them with promises of love and care only to cut their fins and take their scales to sell them. They knew not to get close, but they just couldn't help but spy on the young fisherman. They could hear the thoughts of the fish that swam past them that had gone towards the boat. The fisherman never takes more than he needs. The fisherman never takes more than ten fish for the week. They had always admired the respect the fisherman held for the fish he catches. The fisherman is never out on the lake for more than an hour before he heads back to the mainland. They would watch until the boat could no longer be heard, the familiar emptiness settling into their bones.

"Are you people watching again?" a pair of tanned arms wrap themselves around their waist.

"Just the same fisherman," he laughs and looks around the hidden alcove, "I take it you were told to come fetch me?"

"You know how much brother worries for you Eric," the pink haired male runs his fingers through the purple hair of the shorter.

"When will Sangyeon learn that I'm not a baby anymore?" Eric pouts while looking over at the pinkette.

"Maybe when you stop acting like one," the taller laughs before dragging Eric underwater, both of their scales glimmering under the sunlight.

"I do not act like a baby!" Eric pouts as a brunette swims over to them, several sea turtles swimming by him, "Hi Hyunjae."

"Eric saying he doesn't act like a baby?" Hyunjae snorts and continues swimming towards a coral palace, "I'll believe that when the turtles can fly."

"You're both so mean to me. Sunwoo isn't that much older than me!" Eric whines as they swim into the palace.

"Sun had suns coronation before you," a blonde male swims over to them, "Meaning sun's older."

"Haknyeon, why are you bullying the baby?" another brunette swims over to the group, "Were you watching that fisherman again?"

"You very obviously knew that Sangyeon," Eric folds his arms over his chest, the purple scales of his tail glinting in the sunlight.

"I just wanted to hear with my own two ears that my baby brother is pining after a human," Sangyeon sticks his tongue out at Eric, Eric's bottom lip jutting out in a pout which causes his lip piercing to jut out slightly.

"I'M NOT PINING AFTER A HUMAN ASSHAT!" Eric groans and swims past his older brother, "You cannot yell at me when you leave at midnight to go and talk to those humans who collect seashells for the jewelry store."

"Leave them out of this Eric," Sangyeon glares over at Eric who sits down on the moss chair, "All they do is take seashells to make jewelry. They don't hunt fish."

"He only takes as many as he needs! Why are you doing this?" Eric pinches the bridge of his nose, "Why do you only get upset with me when I've never even spoke to the human before? You don't get upset at Haknyeon or Hyunjae when they talk to humans! Why do you do it to me?"

"Eric, you're our baby! You mean so much to us. We get scared. We don't want anyone to hurt you. You don't think I get worried when Hyunjae goes out and talks to mers friends? You think I don't get worried when Haknyeon disappears to talk to that diver? You think I don't get worried when Sunwoo talks about the human that keeps coming and asking sun out? Eric," Sangyeon swims over to the younger before cupping their face, "Do you know how much I care about you? You are the sweetest and most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I remember the day mom gave birth to you. I remember the day you were able to swim on your own. I remember the day that you shed your first scales. I get so worried about you because I watched you grow up and become the man that you are today. You're my baby. I get so worried about you because I know how amazing you are and I don't want anyone to take advantage of you baby," Sangyeon rubs his thumbs against Eric's cheek.

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