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Soulmates. Everyone had one. At least that’s what Sehun was told. He was told that he had a soulmate, yet here he was, his senior year of college and still no soulmate. Jongin and Kyungsoo were his best friends that were soulmates, so he was always the third wheel when they hung out. His guardians Junmyeon and Yixing were so in love it was disgusting. Even Jongin’s cousin who he hangs out with has a soulmate. The only person who doesn’t have a soulmate is another senior that he’s friends with. Min Yoongi. They shared a mutual hatred for humankind but a mutual love for music. They were the only two who didn’t have a soulmate, which is what kept them close. His senior year was starting in the next couple of days and Sehun was beyond nervous. Currently he was with his guardian Junmeyon and his husband Yixing. Junmyeon was picking out an outfit for Sehun when he gets his soulmate. 

“I don’t understand why it matters what my outfit looks like. It’s not like I can see it anyways,” Sehun sighs softly and shrugs his shoulders. 

“Because! When you finally go on that cute casual date with your soulmate, you’ll appreciate it. I’m telling you,” Junmyeon shakes his head as he drags Sehun into another store in the mall. 

Sehun grabs his phone when it starts to ring. He answers the phone and smiles slightly. 

“Hey Yoongs. What’s up?” Sehun asks softly. 

“Please don’t hate me,” Yoongi replies and bites his lip. 

“What do you mean?” Sehun asks then thinks about it and smiles, “Who is it?” 

“Our fucking professor. Mister Park. Park fucking Chanyeol,” Yoongi groans through the phone causing Sehun to burst into laughter. 

“How the fuck did you find this out?” Sehun looks at Junmyeon who was holding up a leopard print blazer, “Junmyeon that looks hideous.” 

“I know,” Junmyeon puts it on and winks at Sehun. 

“I was checking out my classrooms for the new year, because you know me. I’m a nervous wreck. I walked into his classroom and then I accidentally pushed over his stack of papers on his desk and naturally I freaked out. He started laughing and he helped me pick them up. Well when I handed them to him, I looked up at him and Christ Hunnie. All these colors came flooding into my eyes and he grinned at me. And then he looks at me and says, ‘So dinner tonight?’ So I just nodded and he gave me his number and I haven’t called him yet,” Yoongi pants as he finishes rant. 

“HANG UP AND GO CALL HIM YOU IDIOT!” Sehun screeches into his phone, “I love you Yoongs! You got this!” Sehun hangs up the phone and shakes his head. 

“What was that about?” Junmyeon asks Sehun. 

“Yoongi got his soulmate. It’s our professor,” Sehun snorts and shakes his head. 

“Wait are you serious?” Yixing laughs and looks at Sehun. 

“Yeah. He’s a nervous wreck and he went to go see where all of his classes are. Well he went into Chanyeol-nim’s room and he knocked off a huge stack of his papers. Yoongs and Chanyeol-nim both bent down to pick them up. When Yoongi handed Chanyeol-nim the paper, they made eye contact and color flooded their eyes. Apparently Chanyeol-nim asked him out and gave Yoongi his number, but Yoongi hadn’t called him yet. So I hung up on him so he could call him,” Sehun shakes his head in amusement before looking at Junmyeon’s outfit, “Something about that doesn’t seem right.” 

“You can’t even see color and can tell how awful this looks,” Yixing shakes his head and forces his husband to take off the purple blazer that was clashing with the deep red shirt Junmyeon was wearing. 

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