Sunwoo/Hangyul (TBZ/BAE173)

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an: this is the link to the youtube playlist for the songs in the vlive !!

Hangyul was going to throw Dongmyeong. He didn't know where he would throw the younger, but by god was he going to do it. Hangyul had accepted the invitation to come over and hang out under the notion that it would just be Hangyul, Dongmyeong, and maybe Giwook, Harin, Yonghoon, and Hyungu. Hangyul had made sure. He had double, no triple checked that he wouldn't be there, but no. Hangyul is notified as he's walking inside of the building that he was there.

Hangyul had always admired him from afar. He had always been able to keep that safe distance between himself and the younger rapper. Hangyul wanted it that way. He wanted to crush and ogle from a distance. He absolutely did not want to be face to face with him, but of course, Dongmyeong wouldn't let that happen.

"You're Hangyul right? I've seen you before, but I've never really had the chance to talk to you," he beams, his black curls bouncing as he moves back and forth on his feet.

"Yeah! I've been kind of busy with all of the promotions and group changes ya know? But it's nice to finally meet you!" Hangyul can feel his heart rate speed up as Giwook walks over to them.

"Oh you two finally met! That's good! Come on, the pizza's here," Giwook grabs Hangyul and the black haired male's hand before dragging them to the living room.

"Hi Hangyul! Hi Sunwoo!" Dongmyeong beams at the two as they all sit down, "I'm so happy you guys finally got to meet!" Dongmyeong smirks at Hangyul who glares at Dongmyeong.

"I'm kind of shocked that Hangyul and I haven't met before," Sunwoo beams before he leans his head against Giwook's shoulder.

"Not for lack of trying," Dongmyeong mumbles then yelps when Hangyul shoves him, "Ass!"

"Don't you dare insult me. I will throw you across this room," Hangyul glares at Dongmyeong and pushes the sleeves of his sweater up.

Sunwoo mumbles something to Giwook who chokes on his saliva before laughing. Dongmyeong pulls out his phone when it vibrates before laughing and shoving Hangyul's side.

"God this is amazing," Dongmyeong opens the pizza boxes, "Dig in losers."

"I'd say you haven't changed at all, but that's a complete lie. You're more of an ass now," Hangyul smirks and throws his arm around Dongmyeong's shoulder, "Maybe a bit more gay than usual. You didn't even try to hide the hickeys this time around."

"WHAT HICKEYS? YAH! LEE GIWOOK!" Dongmyeong lunges at his boyfriend, Hangyul laughing as he grabs a slice of pizza.

"Babe there's no hickeys on you," Giwook rolls his eyes, "Hangyul that was mean."

"No, Dongmyeong was mean. I simply implemented my revenge. Hangyul villain era perhaps?" Hangyul takes a bite of the pizza, Sunwoo reaching over and grabbing a piece of pizza.

"There's not many good villain eras that happen in our industry. You'd be a good one," Sunwoo smiles over at Hangyul, Hangyul choking on his pizza, "Are you okay?"

"Peachy!" Hangyul coughs and grabs the water that Dongmyeong hands him.

Hangyul opens the down half the bottle, small drops of water running down his throat. Sunwoo tries to tear his eyes away from the elder's throat. Giwook nudges Sunwoo which snaps him out of the trance, Hangyul gasping for breath when he can finally breathe.

"Jesus Sunwoo. Almost kill him, why don't you?" Dongmyeong laughs at Sunwoo who flushes and hides behind Giwook's shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Sunwoo pouts and buries his face in Giwook's back.

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