chapter1 ✔︎

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trigger warning: ABUSE

Screaming. more and more screaming. Just screams. Consuming screams. Sad helpless screams.

"Please, please papa"  the little girl shouts through breathless tears.

The little girl being pulled up the stairs. Looking back down seeing her mama smirking.

"Please papa. I-it won't happen again I promise! I promise" she shouts trying to use all her weigh to slow him down.

He just pulls her through the short hallway turning into the second room on the right. The dark room. The room with no windows. The room with no paint. The room with no rug. The only room with a lock. The punishing room.

"The Tali family does not receive C's on report cards do we now Clove?" he says looking down at the girl. She shakes her head violently, in return getting a throbbing pain.

He grips her wrist tighter, throwing her into the dark room. Her cheeks stung from the salt that's making her cheeks dry. She lay there on the ground ready for a beating. She knew this was her fault. She stayed up trying to finish the ending of her book and forgot to study. Bringing her Science grade and English grade down to a C.

And that is not acceptable.

Although she knew this beating was coming she still begged for mercy that she knew she would never receive. In all her 9 years in school she knew better than to get a C but she couldn't help it. Elizabeth Bennet was just about to helplessly choose Mr. Darcy.

"Please papa" She still tried, "I'll do better next time, I will. I always do better next time." she pleads

"Then why didn't you do better this time hm? How am I supposed to believe a girl who gets a C, hm? A girl who is the daughter of a whore, hm? HOW?!" he screams.

So loud. So so so loud. He leaves the room. Leaving the door open. She quickly tumbles up ready to run but before she even starts to take a step out the door, he is there. With cuffs. And a knife. And her 3 year old brother. She stiffens. Ivan. Ivan has tears too.

"No please papa. D-Don't hurt Ivan. Hurt me instead. I-i was wrong. Hurt me instead."

"Yes little girl." he moans. Eyes filled with a pleasurable lust of a 13 year old daughter.

"But although you sound so pretty" he whispers

"I must hurt you. The Tali's DO NOT EARN C'S! RIGHT IVAN?! WE DO NOT EARN C'S!" He screams. Ivan cries too.

"Papa, Clove hasn't earned a C! She never has a C! That's what Clovey said and I believe her. She wouldn't lie." Ivan says sniffling. 

Ivan is very smart. Blessed with the genes just like their mama. He's only 3 and can almost read full children's books and he can do addition problems.

"Oh but you see Ivan. She did lie didn't she? Because she got TWO C's" He says with a sick smile. He calls out. Their mama comes running up.

"Yes master." She says

"Hold this knife to Ivan's throat. If she makes one noise-" he says pointing to clove and attaching the hand cuffs to her wrists then to the bed post.
"One little ounce of noise, slit his throat" he smirks taking off his belt. Then trousers. Then-


Jolting awake I feel tiny hands. Ivan. He's alright. He's ok. He's fine. He's just a baby.

" Clovey?" He whispers. I pull him next to me and let out a small smile, quickly wiping the tears away.

"I'm sorry Ivan. P-Please go b-back to sleep, b-baby. It w-was j-just a nightmare." I whisper

"It's ok Clovey. I can protect you. I protect Gracie in 1st grade today. Yes, I did." He softly giggles.

"Then I chased her around trying to give her a kiss"

I stifle out a laugh
"L-little Ivan what am I g-going to d-do with y-you?" I say.

"You are going to sing me a song to sleep." he beams. A tiny smile forms my face.

"Ok b-baby." I say as I pull the blanket over us. And start to sing a random song from the radio. Repeating in my head what I do for hours every night when I try to fall asleep.

He's away. With the bad guys. He's in jail. He's not here. He can't hurt Ivan. He can't hurt you.


Authors note:
Thank u for reading
i write differently i don't necessarily follow all the "grammar" rules and sometimes I use periods instead of commas to make the pause longer. so sorry if it irks u lol i personally don't care that much and don't see a difference but some ppl do lol and i really didn't mean for this to get thousands of reads ahahahaha i literally don't know how that happened i literally go to bed at night smiling lol(dotn talk about it i'm embarrassed too) but that u so much for reading i love u


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