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i tried the gif thing on the computer lol

it didn't work


"Daddy-" she moans.

Fucking minx.

"What do you want baby?"

"Daddy I need to go help Ivan- I-I- told him I would." she pleads.

Ivan can wait.

"Does it look like I'm going to let you go little sheep. You were very bad this morning weren't you?"

Her eyes widen and her body stiffs under me.

"N-No I-I w-wasn't naughty." she whimpers.

I lock her hands down on the bed and push my erection on her sweet pussy. She lets out a whimper and opens her thighs farther for me. I smirk down at her such a needy baby; opening for me.

Such a fucking tease all day. Teasing me all day. All day walking around without pants. Not letting me touch her. Letting my cock be strained all day. Not that it isn't always strained at the sight of her but I wasn't allowed to touch her she said. She told me I couldn't touch what was mine.

"I think you were Clove. You didn't let me touch what's mine now did you?"

"N-No b-b-b-but-"

"But what baby? But you were a bad girl and rubbed yourself on me without permission—That you didn't let me touch my toy baby?"

I look down at her whimpering needy form on the bed. I roughly cup her pussy and draw circles over her thin underwear.

"P-Please Daddy" She pants.

"No." I growl.

I loved watching her squirm with need. I loved that I was the one she needs. I grind myself on her covered pussy tempted to rip all these fucking clothes off her pristine body.

"Daddy please I need you." she moans as she meets my hips.

"Please Daddy, pretty please." she pants grinding harder.

She'll drive me fucking insane hearing her beg like that. I look down as my hungry eyes meet hers and she whimpers.

I cant fucking wait for her to be wrapped around my cock while I'm deep in her womb.


I quickly pull down her underwear as they rip from the force. She gasps.

"I'll buy you another one" I growl. I sink down to her thick pink lips. I blow on her pussy as she shivers and pushes her legs together.

So sensitive.

"Don't hide my toy baby. I want to play hm? And you'll take it like a good girl, si?"

"I'll be a good girl." she says.

"I know baby" I smirk. So obedient.

My eyes meet her sticky and wet, dripping pussy I automatically latch onto it ready for my meal. She screams at the sensation. God her screams. I lap up all of her sweet juices as she moans and rides my face, grinding her hips deeper into my mouth. So fucking needy. I stop her grinding hips.


"Patience baby." I husk as she whimpers again. So sensitive.

Again I place my lips on her clit and suck hard. Her body shakes and she screams out. I flick my tongue against it as she keeps trembling. Never had I had a women as sensitive and needy as her. Just my baby. I continue the torture and she slashes and gasps for air between her cry's. I bite down on her clit as she screams. I want her to feel everything. The pain and pleasure.

I roughly plunge my tongue in her delicious hole as she squirts all over my face. I smirk. Fucking minx.

"Ahhhmnnph" she moans all kinds of sounds as I curl my tongue in her. She was buckling against my face in no time screaming for me to let go. Screaming me to stop.

"Daddy- Daddy please. I-It's too much. Please." she whimpers. The thrusts of her hips sloppy and rough as she's never done this before.

"That feels good baby?" I husk against her and she eagerly nods with tears in her eyes. Again ravishing her pussy again she cums all over my face.

"P-Please Daddy I-I-I-I can't" she moans but I press my cock on her open pussy and she grinds hard against it.

"Hmm I think you can baby. Now take your punishment like a good girl, Si?"

"O-Ok" she whimpers as I take her hips and grind harder making sure my cock hits her clit over my pants. A teary whimpering mess and still I want more.

"Daddy may I please- M-May I please- Ahhhh May I please make a mess Daddy?!"

"No" I growl lowly. I graze my fingers over her overly sensitive pussy. She lets out a beautiful moan and tears fall again.

Her face is a beautiful bright pink and red color. I can feel her tight wall clenching and throbbing against my finger. Only imagining what it would feel like around my cock. How it would feel imprinting my cock in her tight pussy.

"Your crying is driving me fucking insane, little sheep." I grow in her ear and push my finger deeper thrusting hard in and out. She needly meets my thrust with many tears and gaps for air.

"P-Please Daddy I-I don't t-think I c-can take it." She whimpers.

"Hmm...but baby you said you'd take the punishment, si? Don't tell me you lied to Daddy?" I tease.

"N-No I d-didn't lie." she whimpers thrusting her hips faster and faster. Her walls clench around my finger.

"I'm going to- I'm- I'm going to-" she arches her back as I let her orgasm grow.

"Almost there baby?"

"Y-Y-Y-Yes" she stutters.

I quickly pull out my finger denying her any release as more and more tears leave her pretty eyes. As I pump my tongue fast in her and I feel her walls clench I go harder and harder but pull out denying her a release. She screams and sobs.

I smirk down at my pretty baby. So pretty.

I flick her clit. She jolts up and I smirk. Fucking sensitive. I bite and pinch her clit building her up again just to deny the pleasure of a release. She lays there crying in pain and pleasure. Again.

She had given up by now. She had stopped begging to cum by now. Her body was worn out and teary eyed. As she moaned at another orgasm approach I knew she though it was going to be the same usual denial like the past 10 times. Her eyes looked lustfully exhausted and the tears had almost dried. She pants again and lets out a little moan. Without warning I massage her clit and let yet another orgasm build up. Just as she was on the edge ready to feel the usual denial I thrusted three fingers in her as she cums down on them with so much force. She shook violently as a scream leaves her pretty little mouth and cum drips down her legs and onto the bed.


I step back at the sight. Her cum everywhere her beautiful blonde hair tangled, her body laying almost limp, her sweaty and hot body, her loud and heated pants of breath. Her lashes wet with tears. Such a beautiful sight. I could argue that I was the one receiving the most pleasure right now but honestly I don't think I'd win that argument as seeing how much cum she beautifully released.

"You did so good baby didn't you?" I whisper as I crawl into bed with her and she snuggled into me.

"I'm so proud of you, si? Such a good girl" I says and pull her closer into my body.

"Thank you Daddy."

"You're welcome baby."

this came out of no where because I meant for it to be a normal chapter without smut but i was horny lol i rly hope this is good i literally a mess rn

"why do u update so fast?" you may ask?
I hate school and have absolutely sm free time

hope u liked it please vote if u can ☺️☺️


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