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the last time i updated was the 19th- whoops-

well anyway its Cloves birthday yay!!!! (april 30th)



He still hadn't taken me out of this place.

He doesn't have to.

Y-You're right.

I believe the sun had set multiple times while I was in this basement. My tummy rumbled.

He hadn't fed me in days. I hadn't seen Ivan in days. And it hurt.

I-Its okay. I-I-I will be okay. I will be.

My tummy ached.

I didn't deserve food and yet I was so hungry.

I had been blinded by time not to realize all the trouble I had caused. I deserved this. He knows it. They know it. I know it.

You have to stay skinny Clove.

You're not hungry Clove.

You're not hungry.

I need to stay skinny. A small part of me still thinks he'll want me. Papa will maybe let me go and see him and he'll want me. And when I see him again he will smile and say I looked pretty. That I was perfect. I'd say, "Thats silly Daddy, no ones perfect." and you'd say, "You're perfect. You're perfect for me little sheep." and I'd stick my tongue out at you. You'd smile and kiss me and I would be happy.

But I always knew that I didn't deserve it. I knew it but I refused to believe it.

I didn't fit. He was pretty and tall and perfect. And I was stupid Clove. The girl with the stupid ugly scars. The girl he should've been ashamed of. He should've picked the girl with the tall brown hair and pretty hazel eyes. The hazel eyes I would die for.

He deserved more.

I know.

Tears gathered in my eyes and my vision blurred. My body rattled in shock as the door slams open. My eyes squint at the light and my head throbs. A scary laugh escapes his lips as he stumbles in with a beer in his hand. His skin looks pale and dead. His body looks dead and cold yet he was very much alive. His eyes were the scariest part though. He was red. His eyes. They were red and scary and his lips formed a dark smirk that flipped my insides. Nothing good would come out of this, but did it ever?

"Oh little girl." He chuckles. I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt the cold tear slide down my face. He grips my chin forcing my eyes to meet his as my wet tears reach my neck.

"You will regret this." He glares as he throws his head back consuming the liquid alcohol that ruined him. He tips the glass bottle back and then he laughed. Not in humor. Not because of a joke or a image but a blood-curdling laugh that made you worried for the jump scare.

"I haven't had alcohol like this in so long." He hummed then sneered down at me. I met his irritated, red eyes and his fingers crunch my jaw, definitely leaving a bruise.

"Try some."

My body freezes and I could no longer hear the thumping of my beating heart. He forces my head back and smirks down at me.

"N-No please- please. I-I-I don't like it please!" I plead trying to stop my tears. "Please, Sir." I add hoping that would be enough for him to spare me from tasting that horrible taste of alcohol. After not eating for days consuming alcohol would be just as bad as not eating for another month. I try to talk him out of it, when his fingers grip my cheeks forcing my mouth open.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now