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hii ok so clove will forgive him pretty easily, i know this will upset some of you and honed it would upset me too but another thing to keep in mind is this is cloves first everything— first kiss, first love, first boyfriend, first safe place, so you have to keep in mind that she is inexperienced and loves him too much to hold a big enough grudge.

warning: extreme ddlg-ish smut (read at ur own risk)


My heart was shattered. I had this feeling a lot. Like a rotten strawberry. When you really want a strawberry and then you bite it and it's soggy and rotten.

I am that strawberry.

But a strawberry is a strawberry and if you just eat it quickly you can't even tell if it's soggy.

I am that strawberry.

I had never seen a man cry in my life. And here I was in a car with a sad empty heart and a brooding, sad Daddy.

He didn't mean to.

He even made her apologize.

This happens to Sammie a lot. She gets what you call "cheated" on, and one thing she always said was it was not always the mans fault.

Of course none of her boyfriends pulled away so not only was she mad at the girl but also mad at the boy.

But now I know how she feels.

I have felt this feeling before. This empty feeling. It had been my life, the constant pain and fear. I think that's what scared me the most.

The feeling of my dad.

The feeling of the pain.

Then, the feeling of him leaving me.

It was so quiet in the car if I made a little tiny bunny noise— you would be able to hear it.

"A-Are y-y-y-you okay?" I whisper. His head snaps over to me and his eyes sadden. He takes his large hand and rests it against my face. His fingers reach all the way to my forehead and I lean into his warm touch.

"You're stuttering around me again." He whispers, pain in his voice.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't notice."

"No, no it's not your fault! It's mine, I should've never let things get out of hand." He whispers.

"Why did you even need to talk to her?" I mope.nope he's moping around he mope

"She had information I needed, but don't worry I will take care of her." He whispers.

"Don't kill her! This is just as much your fault as hers!"

"You're right little sheep. I am sorry. I am so sorry. I am yours forever. Whatever you want me to do I will do it." He sighs.

As if the spirts could lift me to the gods I fight a little smiling then has now spread on my face.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now