chapter3 ✔︎

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edit: if you've made it this far...... i'm sorry. the first couple chapters make me wanna rip my eye balls out and i am currently going to edit this book. I PROMISE THE PLOT AND THE WRITING GETS BETTER VERY SOON JUST HOLD ON IM VERY SORRY FOR THE CRINGE.


"T-thank y-you, have a g-good d-day!" I say as I see the man turn his back and leave.

I don't know why I do it. Men scare me. But there is something about this cafe that I love. Maybe it's the mint and brown themed decor or the small homey feel but I really like it. Maybe it's because any and every other job I could get requires more contact with men, so I stay here because if I am going to work around men I might as well be in this pretty cafe. The cafe also always has calming music on. I hear the bell go off, announcing that someone has entered and quickly looking up I see a man. A large man. One with tattoos. Lots of tattoos. Ones that are big like the men papa used to bring in. But this one is handsome. Very handsome but very scary. He is very big. Large. Black silky hair. Huge muscles. I look down and try to avoid eye contact. He is just a man. Just a man. He won't hurt you. He won't hurt you.

"Hello, w-what c-can I g-get y-you tod-day sir?" I say looking down.

He won't hurt you.

"Malditos esos ojos grandes" He mutters under his breath. Spanish I think.
(damn those big eyes)

"I'll take a plain black coffee." he says looking into my eyes. Green. His eyes are green. Light green, like my favorite color. I feel the sweat on my palms. I rub them on my apron and look down, away from his intense gaze. You can do this. He is just a man. Like any other innocent man that orders from here.

"Y-yes of c-course. C-coming r-right up." I manage to say. I let out a weak smile. He just stares blankly and I quickly turn and start on his black coffee. Easy. Just black coffee. Easy peezy. Just black. I place the cup under the machine and watch it poor. It steams and the steams flows to my face. Warm. Nice and warm. But the machine stops. It stops. Oh no. I-It stopped.

"Is everything alright?" He asks. He voice is deep. So deep. It almost seems inviting. But he is waiting. And I can't give him his coffee. He will be angry. No one else is here. W-what if he t-takes me. W-what i-if he is angry and punishes me. No. Convince him you've been good. You've been a good girl. My eyes start to sting.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-don't k-know w-what happened it- it stopped. I- I- I don't know how. I have b-been g-good. T-trust me I d-don't know w-what happened." Tears fill my eyes as my hands start shaking. I avoid making eye contact with the man for I am both too scared and embarrassed.

It's ok.

It's ok.

H-he will believe you. He has to. You've been good.

Suddenly I feel a warm presence around me. Inviting me. Like a big fluffy blanket. But more firm and less fluffy. But warm. So warm.

"Relax baby. Relax." I hear the warmth say. A deep voice. So soothing. One breath at a time.

"I-I've have b-been g-good through." I mange to say.

"Yes you have. Such a good girl." The warmth says.

"Mhm." I say nodding. I have been. Yes I have been. Ive been a good girl.

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