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Hey lovies!!

im gunna be completely honest with you rn i absolutely HATE HATE HATE when people do this. like when authors do this it makes me lok mad and idek why because its not even that big of a deal but anyways! i hate when authors like make chapters in their story promoting another book bc i think it's kinda cringey at times...


i an posting to tell you guys to please read my new story Sleeping Beauty. I am actually so proud of this story, and it is the only reason im back on wattpad.

After writing little sheep i got into a really bad writers block(mostly because i was so embarrassed/cringed out at this book and the writing LOL) but this story brought me back to life.

I can confidently say that SLEEPING BEAUTY is 100x better than this book as in plot, characters, and writing. Its not as much ddlg as little sheep yet but it's definitely dom/sub with daddy kink in the future(we havent gotten to the smutty part of the story yet LOL)

I seriously wouldnt be promoting this book if I seriously didnt believe in it and it would mean actually the world to me if you gave it a chance to read.

So far it's only 6 chapters so if u read it and dont like it after that its not like u wasted ur time bc it's literally only 6 chapters out so far.

okay ill stop talking but pls lmk if u give the book a try! and comment if you like it, ur feed back, etc.

Thank u i love u!!!!!

(im bout to get so emotional)

I am amazed by how many ppl love this book everyday. 5 million + views. I still remember when I first made this book during quarantine and now its more than I ever thought it would be.

i literally cant appreciate you guys any more(even if i dont say it a lot). I remember you guys from my earliest of days, i remember your comments and your profile pictures. I remember the first time i posted this book and all the positive comments and messages from u guys!!!!! i remember it like it was yesterday which is crazy to me because i have awful memory. I remember after i would post a chapter i would just reload and reload my notifications so i could read all of your comments. i remember how frickin happy i was when got my first #1 spot on a hashtag because of you guys and it is so amazing to see where i am today vs. when i started the book.

I remember smiling while staring at my phone because i was so happy you loved this book, which made me love it and it gave me motivation to upload for you guys(even tho a lot of the times i didnt feel like it LOL)

i have more of a emotional connection to you guys for the support of the book than the books itself 🤣

anyway i just wanted yall to know that love y

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