chapter10 ✔︎

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lmao i kept prolonging this chapter because i wanted to watch bridgerton the new show on netflix and let me tell u it was worth it. literally anothny is my husband.
also that is sammie!!!^^


I haven't been to the mall in ages. The last time I was here was two Christmas's ago because I had saved up for months for this toy Ivan really wanted. I came here and they were sold out. That was my very first time I argued with a store manager, and the last time but at least I got him his toy. It was worth it though. I loved watching Ivans reactions on Christmas day receiving gifts from Santa. His face is always the best part. I save up for months to get him so many gifts because receiving gifts on Christmas was always his favorite.

He loved it.


"Look what I got for Christmas! Batman!" Ivan shouts running towards her, flying his Batman around.

"Woah! That's awesome!" Clove responds quickly hiding the ice pack for her head.

"Yeah! And he can talk if you press this button!"

"Woah that is so cool Ivan" She smiling showing her brother all her happiness she had stored for the day.

"Press it!" He says. She lets out a sheepish smile and press the button.

"I am Batman" It says in the low dark voice.

Ivan giggles and flies it around again.

"What did Santa get you Clovey?"

But that question she could not answer for Ivan. For Clove had been one of the nicest people in the world but she remained on the "naughty list". Again she did not receive any presents from Santa. Again Sahara thought her a naughty girl so she mustve been bad. She must've been such a bad girl to not even receive coal.

Clove would have to return school and tell her friends a lie, that she received amazing gifts. That she was so happy and grateful for them. But always avoided the subject of showing them her gifts.

Before she can answer her poor brothers question her mom cuts in, "Your sister, Ivan was not good this year. Santa didn't think she deserved any gifts with her behavior."  she scolds

Ivan's face drops with sadness as he knows Clove is always good. But even if Santa didn't think so as he did. And he would share.

"Here Clovey, You can have my candy! And my Spider-man lunch box, and my blue water bottle! And we can share the building blocks! Yes! We can play with them together!" Ivan shouts. But Ivan received a slap to his face. Hard and he starts to cry. Loud.

"You will do no such thing Ivan. Your sister was very bad and deserves her punishment. Now Clove would you do a favor for your father and go help him with a little problem upstairs?"

Clove gently shook her head with a smile making sure Ivan detected no problem with her words.

But Clove knew there was no problem. She knew what was awaiting her upstairs. She was now 11, a big girl and knew what was to happen. Climbing upstairs her father led her to the dark room. But this time the punishment was different than beatings or a starving stomach.

This time she was met with 4 men that she had no clue existed. And she couldn't help but wish that night that she did receive a starved stomach. That she did receive a restless night. That she did receive a beating. Anything would've been better than the punishment that night.

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