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so for those who don't know i was in da hospital n stuff lol

i was allowed to have my phone but the bright light wasn't great for my head and eyes at the time so i wasn't on it much or for a long period of time, plus i didn't have much motivation so i didn't update:((

this book is very close to finishing and i don't know if I am happy or sad but yayy!!!!


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up sleepy head!" I hear singing. I roll onto my back staring at a smiling Ivan. He snuggles into the covers with me and bounces up and down.

"Oliver made breakfast!" Sammie sings as she walks into my room covered in a big blanket sweatshirt. Looking back down at Ivan I see he has a matching sweatshirt too.

"We got you one too!" Ivan yells, just then I feel the forceful 'Sammie' throw as the sweatshirt hits my face.

"Put it on and meet us downstairs. He made your favorite." Sammie smiles and they exit my room.

Slowly getting out of bed I slide the comfy sweatshirt over my head. It was a light brown as Sammies was pink and Ivan's blue. I looked at myself in the mirror as I racked my fingers through my hair. I looked so much better, I looked brighter and had color on my cheeks. The corners of my mouth were gently lifted up instead of down. I quickly saw the reflection on Daddy in the mirror. He towers over me and as his body presses against my own, his face isn't even in the mirror anymore. He leans down kissing my neck and my eyes flutter down. But as I reopen them I see a pretty necklace wrapped around my neck and him smiling down at me.

"What's this?" I question.

"A pretty girl deserves pretty things, no?" He smirks.

The necklace had a ring around it with a pretty wavy line going around the middle. I quickly jump around on my tippy toes giving him a kiss. His arm warps around me and pulls me closer. His arm travels under my sweatshirt tracing over my underwear. I deeply inhale against him.

"You are so beautiful." He husks as his voice had increased to a deep dark tone. His fingers rub against my parts as a wet spot forms.

"P-Please?" I whimper.

He pulls away smashing his lips in mine. His hands trails all over my frame touching every part of me as I pull away from the kiss gasping for air then quickly connecting them again.

"I still can't believe you're here." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you so much Clove Tali." He hums quickly pecking my lips again. Quickly I enhance the kiss grinding my bottom onto his hard hard shaft. He groans as he grips my hips, nudging his knee in between my legs. We pull apart from the kiss as he stares down at me.

"God Clove." He groans. My lips tingle and feel swollen.

"Don't start making babies now kids! It's only 9:30 and we have breakfast!" I hear Sammie yell from outside of the door. Oliver rolls his eyes but none the less smirks down at me.

"I made your favorite."

"I heard." I smile quickly pecking his lips and skipping out the door.

This was what I've been waiting for. I never thought I deserved it, that I could ever in a million years have it.



this is short. so short. but give me some fluff ideas and i will post again tonight! like cute stuff you'd like to see? maybe smut ideas you'd like to see? please baes i need fillers!!!!

also what would u do if i brought back the princess and pirate chapter when i finish the book- hehe

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