chapter4 ✔︎

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Holy fuck. This little girl is so fucking tempting. So fucking tiny.

I walked into my cafe wanting to kill the manager. He stole a fucking grate of drugs and money and he never shows up for his ducking job. The only reason I keep that cafe is because my mother wanted it. Not for some low life to fuck it up putting the building in debt. That's what happens when you want to take a break, you end up in a fucking dilemma where you have to kill the man. The dept wasn't the big deal at all, it was already paid off but it's the fucking point. Some jackasses they are.

Imagine my surprise when I walk in to see a tiny girl not even to my shoulders greeting me. Bout to shook the guy dead when I see her fucking eyes. Her eyes aren't big but on her tiny head those ice grey eyes look like mount Everest. The mere thought of those eyes filled with tears under me and begging. Begging to let her go. Begging for a release. Begging to cum.

But those eyes and lips. And her delicate voice makes me want to taint her. She was scared and nervous. When I walked in she was scared. I didn't like that. I wouldn't hurt her. I wouldn't hurt her and I guess I made a convincing argument. 

She calls me Oli. Fucking Oli. I don't know wether to enjoy it or to make her scream it while I'm inside her but it's different. The whole time my cock has been strained against my dress pants and I was supposed to be here for fucking work. I'll just prolong the punishment. Maybe give him more, make it hurt.

I feel my phone vibrate in my front pocket. Right next to my dick, making me quickly pull it out before it vibrates more and I loose all my self control.

"¿Que diablos quieres ahora Agosto?"

[What the fuck do you want August?]

"Señor, el prisionero se ha escapado, pero no se preocupe, lo encomtraremos de inmediato, Jefe" He says in a shaky voice. One flaw in August is he hesitates. And is always nervous.

[Sir, the prisoner had escaped, but don't worry we will find him right away boss.]

"This is what you called me for?" I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to not loose my shit.

"Agosto, I keep you because you know how to manage my team not because you can't find the fucking bastards who stole my drugs. You don't need to inform me every second. Tell Apollo to handle it. While your at it, the manager, of my cafe, mátalo. O quizás su esposa. Hazlo doloroso. No tolero a los holgazanes y traidores. Do I make myself clear?"

[Kill him. Or kill his wife. Something painful. I don't not tolerate laziness]

"Si si jefe, pero ¿podrías repetirlo?"

[Yes yes boss, but could you repeat that?]

"¡Por el amor de Dios, dale el telèfono a mi hermano! And learn some fucking Spanish, you know English is a second langue here." I yell. I roll my eyes. This is why we don't recruit untrained boys.

[For fucks sake, give the phone to my brother]

"¿Si Jefe?" I hear Apollo's voice.

Apollo being younger I am supposed to take the mafia crown. But after years of being in the business I have been killed countless times and with that I almost died 18 times. I'm fucking done with these amateurs they can't even kill me at this point. It's taunting, fun even to dangle my death in front of there faces and not one can snip it. After years I wanted soemthing new. I ran the business behind the scenes. I sell drugs and weapons and own several casinos and so far no one has managed to fuck up.

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