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*super duper kinky so read at ur own risk. also dotn judge, this is not your book and if you don't like the sexual encounters please don't leave hate*


I feel my body shaking and cold. I open my eyes and my teeth shatter and shake.

It's so cold.

I tug the covers over me trying to create some warmth.

My cheeks heat up and I lay there wondering where Daddy is. I curl my body up and pray for heat.

Suddenly I feel warm arms wrap around my body.

"Buena tarde mi amor,"
(Good afternoon my love)

"Hi Daddy." I smile and snuggle into him. I hum and rest against him.

"Sammie stopped by and dropped off your clothes and suitcase." He says and kisses my forehead.

"O-Okay." I whisper and snuggle into him.

"I made us a hot bath before we leave."


A hot bath with him.

"Okie dokie." I giggle and get up. Feeling the ache between my legs the second I stand up. I groan and Daddy wraps his arms around me.

He chuckles and shakes his head. I don't understand how I manage to always become so sore after everything.

He guides me to the bathroom and lays me down in it. Soon enough he gets in behind me and I lay back on his chest.

"I want to know more about your family Daddy." I whisper as he traces my thighs. He chuckles and kisses my neck.

"I have one brother, he helps me with my job, he will also be joining us for the trip."

"Is his scary like you?" I whisper. He chuckles and kisses my lips.

"If he scares you baby? just tell me. I'll take care of it." He smiles.


"Are you close with your brother?"

"Si, we are close to an extent, he does manage to get on my nerves. No puedo soportarlo."
(Can't fucking stand him.)

"That's nice." I giggle at his annoyed face.

"Sure baby." He chuckles.

"What's his name?"

"Apollo." He husks.

I love his voice. It's calm and low and deep and husky. My fingers play with the water and dance around. Like people ice skating on water.

"That's a pretty name." I say. He grips my waistline and pulls me against him. He huffs in my ear.

"What about my name." He growls. I giggle up at him only to find him completely serious. This makes me giggle more and I kiss his lips.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now