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i am currently sobbing on my toilet😀um before u read this chapter i advise to read "letters to elijah"

it's such a good book one of the best i HAVE EVER READ it is by ARKHNN

it is the best ever😌 i have read it so many times please read it them comment what u think if u don't i will kill u bc i need someone to talk about this book with
Ahhhhhhh i'm going to cryyyy


Waking up in Daddy's arms was amazing as always. I didn't have any bad dreams and woke up with a smile. He was so warm.

I look up to see him smiling down at me.

You need to tell him.

He will want you to tell him.

I know, I will.

I snuggle my face in his chest as he wraps the blankets around us.

"I'm ready to tell you." I whisper. His face losses it's serious and fierce demeanor for a split second, but regains his original expression.

He kisses my forehead as a sign.

It's alright.

He's here.

He believes you.

"W-Well i-it st-started e-even before I-I was born. My mama dated my dad for a while, a-and he was a-a g-good person I believe. B-But w-when she m-met someone else, h-he g-got s-so mad at her. B-But she d-didn't love him. S-She l-loved s-s-someone e-else. And t-that's w-why he h-h-h-hates m-m-m-m-m-me s-s-so much. B-B-Because Im not his daughter." I sob.

I feel his large arms wrap around me. Almost like he was trying to protect me. But it was too late.

Just keep going.

Inhaling another breath ready to start, Daddy stops me. His eyes meet mine and I am captured.

"Take your time little sheep." he whispers. He tells me to breath in and out. But it's not the breathing that helps me calm down, it's the affection in his voice. It's the warmth in his tone and the deep protectiveness he leaves that makes me calm.

"Y-Yes, years l-later s-she was happy. To a certain extent. My mother was lovely. She adored me and every weekend we would go see my father. He was the best. I could tell she loved him and he adored her so much." I smile at the memory.

My favorite part was whenever we arrived he would smother both of us in kisses. He was probably my favorite person on this earth. He loved my mother so much. Like how I love Daddy. I remember he would always beg us to move with him. To let him help. To let him save us.

"But my father found out one day. A-And- And-"

Tears start to gather my eyes at the memory. Father was so livid when he found out she was still seeing him.

"H-H-H-H-He k-k-killed him." I whisper and sob into Daddy's chest.

I will never forget the day I asked my mom to go see him and she told me that we couldn't. I cried for months saying that I missed him. I was only about 9 at the time but I remember it so clearly.

LITTLE SHEEP|18+Where stories live. Discover now