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please ppl need a re-cap so i suggest you read from 35-40 then come back just so you remember what happened before she got taken and the characters!!


I had my men seated at every corner of the block, and the rusty, old, abandon house. My hand subconsciously roughly met the handle and the car door swings open. Rushing out of the car to meet a small house. It looked old, rotten, and plain out disgusting.

Multiple black cars of my men where hidden in the thick trees, I had gotten out of my car as soon as I swerved up to the large grassland. My body rushed out the car door, slamming it in the process. I stand next to my car as the others follow and get out too.

My eyes scan around my units and guards all suited up. My eyes then met Liams.

Fucking bitch.

My anger flares at the sight of him and next to him was none other than fucking Nikolas. Liam was as far away from Nik as possible and his face was cold. Blank. Nikolas was preoccupied trying to get the boys attention.

This is not the fucking time for a reunion.

"Liam Thomason, what the fuck are you doing here? You know we keep the business seperate from the mafia." I growl. He strides his way across meeting my hard glare.

"I'm here as Clove's friend."

"I don't fucking care what you are here for, you need to leave. We don't need any distractions. If I needed a 'friend' I would've brought Samantha." I growl.

Liams eyes harden.

"Boss, you haven't slept in days. I've been picking up for you, we both have-" He says turning back to Nikolas. "I just think she would like to see some familiar faces. You're not the only one worried about her Oliver. I understand it's hard but-" His voice starts to rise in a yell and my anger is ablaze again.

My glare deepens but my mind gives up, knowing he's right.

"Fine," I interrupt, not wanting to argue. My head leans to the right catching Nik's eyes.

"¡No dejes que se acerque a la casa, ¿me oyes?!"
(Don't let him go near the house, you hear me?)

Nik nods his head to my command and my back quickly turns around. I didn't need distractions or set backs right now and I certainly wasn't letting Liam and Nikolas's feud be one of them. 

Thousands of my men hop out of black trucks in their uniforms and guns cocked and loaded.
Before I can take another step towards the house a firm hand weights me back.

His eyes meet mine and I scowl at him.

Another fucking inconvenience.

"What are you doing Apollo?" I growl. My eyes shoot daggers into his, daring him to challenge me.

"We don't have a plan, we haven't even scanned the perimeter yet. We don't know who he has up there, let alone they are alive in there." He whispers the last part avoiding my gaze. My mind is livid and yet my body can't move.

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