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i swear i do have a plot for this book i'm sorryyyyy

i'm sorry i keep posting filler chapters but i swear the plot will be coming soon- this is like one of the chapters that silently starts the plot


"I can't believe your first trip is without me." Sammie sighs.

"I know! I can't believe I'm on a trip a-at all! I-I never thought I-I'd see the day. I-It really is so super duper amazing." I smile as I set up my outfit for the ball. Flipping the facetime camera towards the bed showing off the dress I bought.

"God Clove that is beautiful. How much did that even cost?!"

"Uh I don't remember let me check."

"Hold on don't move I'm still admiring it!"

I giggle, "Okay, Okay. Sammie guess what?"

"What? You got a second dress of me?"

I giggle.


"No! B-But I d-did pay for it all by myself!" I smile.

I didn't let Daddy pay for me this time, it took a lot of convincing but I payed for it by myself!

"Clove?! Tell me how much that was!" She squeals. I giggle.

"It was only one-hundred dollars I think."

"That could not have been $100 dollars! Girl! Check the price tag!"

"Okayyyy." I giggle and look around for the receipt.

I swear I put it in my Winnie the pooh bag. I swear I did.

"Found it! It was........"



But I only paid $100 dollars.

I only gave $100 to Daddy.

"Clove how much was it!" She groans.

"I-I-I-It was $445.17 dollars."

"WHAT?!" She screams. "AND YOU PAID FOR THAT?!?!?"

"I-I only handed Daddy $100."

She chuckles. "Looks like someone paid for the rest. Get him to pay for mine."

I stare at the dress in shock.

But I wanted to pay for it. For once I wanted to pay for it. I-I wanted to be a-a big, and-and strong, and-and-and good girl for him. H-He told me I could pay for it. He told me that he wouldn't pay. He told me- He told me- He lied.

"B-But Daddy lied to me."

"Hey, hey. It's alright, it's okay Clove. Don't worry, I'm sure it's a misunderstanding." Sammie soothes.

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