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ew why does this book have so many chapters lmaooooo
i'm sorry this is so short i just rly wanted to update for u guys. this is the fastest i have ever written a chapter i believe. like a full 1500 word chapter i wrote in an hour, i- i didnt even eat today just like 2 glasses of coke so i have no clue where this energy came from

**clove was only there for a month in a half but he exaggerates it to 2 months just letting you know*


"Do you remember what happened before you arrived here?"

I wanted to say no.

I wanted to pretend like I wasn't broken. That the bruises weren't there.


"Okay. Good. That's good."

My heart clenched and I wanted to leave. The tears in my eyes start to build.

"C-C-Could he please- please come back in Sir doctor?" I stutter out trying to hide the tears that were clearly there, threaded in my voice.

He looks at me with pity. I didn't like it.

"I- I don't think-"

"Please." I whispered through tears. I didn't want to be alone with him. I wanted to leave. I wanted to stop.

"Please." I whisper.

There is a buzzing in my ear and my eyes start to droop.

The clattering of people filling in the room, of beeping and equipment being used.

If I was awake I probably would've been worried but I couldn't see nor could I move.

I was cold.

I hated the cold.

I wanted it to be warm.

"Damn right she will be okay! You better help her or I swear to god you will loose this fucking job and every job after."

My eyes flutter open as my hands clutch my ears.

The doctors rush over to me in a constant buzz but one voice silenced them.

"Get out. Now." He growls.

Everyone in the rooms looks at the doctor.

"She should probably have some space."

Everyone nods and quickly exits.

Daddy comes close to me.

"Hi baby." He smiles down at me.

"H-Hi." I stutter. My body doesn't move, and Im okay with that because I don't want to get hurt again.

"You just had surgery." He says.


"They found a small fracture in your spine, you passed out, not only that they put you to sleep even longer so you wouldn't feel a thing. We can go home now hm?"

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